Monday, September 5, 2011

Trinity preschool

These are the pictures from my phone. I'll post more pictures when I get my real camera uploaded. First, we had to go meet Mrs. Lisa. I loved what he wore. However, I did compromise and let him where his camo flip flops. Sperrys would've been alot cuter! :)

Here is trigger on his first day of school. I told that the rule is that you have to wear tennis shoes to school. No flip flops, crocs, or boots. We will see how long it takes him to figure out that that's not true. ;) I just know from teaching that children have a better time when they aren't worried about shoes and shoes aren't making them fall and they aren't putting them back on every 5 minutes. ;)

I do have this funny thing to tell. Trigger is quite opinionated about his clothing. He likes to pick out his clothes everyday...which is really sad bc I have to tell him he isn't in charge of his clothing, I am. ;( he does get to chose when we don't have anywhere to go. I gave him FOUR choices the night before our first day. I thought that was very generous of me to give him so many choices. He was not impressed by my generosity. In fact, I'm pretty sure his scowls got louder after I put out each outfit. Haha!

Me and my big boy!

When I went to pick him up, I got to watch thru the two way window. Soooo funny. Was my trigger listening? No, he was
Getting up and picking another book.

The next day, t just sat in mrs Lisa lap. Poor mrs Lisa!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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