Sunday, September 11, 2011

Exhausting week wrap up!

Praise the Lord that this week is over. We have had some emotional last couple of weeks. This week we had two huge things in our family: 1. EEG 2. My ultrasound.
We found out last week that the baby has SUA (single umbilical artery OR two vessel cord). I explained it a few posts ago. Most of the time, the outcome is great with SUA. There are some syndromes/disorders/Organ issues associated with SUA. Dr. Harper sent us over to Dr. Jones (maternal-fetal medicine specialist) in Shreveport. He followed us in our pregnancy with Campbell. We did not use him with Trigger. We used Dr. Grooms (another maternal-fetal med spec). We loved him but did NOT like delivering at lsu so we opted to switch to Dr. Jones. I have to be honest. He doesn't have the best bed side manner. And, it's obviously not me bc I've heard that from several other people too. However, he's a great doctor!!!! Anyway, we got an appointment for this past thursday. They scheduled us to have a level 2 ultrasound which is basically more detailed than the normal. I really didn't think that was possible with dr jones bc his ultrasounds are very detailed. I was so nervous that they'd find something terribly my wrong. I so love going there bc you don't have to wait. He sees 6 patients in the morning and 6 in the afternoon and that is IT!!!!! When they did the ultrasound, the lady was awesome. All she does is ultrasounds of high risk pregnancies so she has a very trained eye to find problems. After each series of measuring, she would tell me that that area looked good. The heart, kidneys, stomach, brain, etc looked good. They checked for club foot, clef palette, spinal bifida, etc and there were no signs of any problems. Now, that doesn't mean we are guaranteed that there won't be anything that pops up at delivery but this is a HUGE blessing!!!!!! Oh and let me say that they even measured the baby's blood pressure and identified all major bones in legs and arms. It was definitely more detailed. The only thing is that she couldn't see one side of the heart good so we will have to have that checked the next time we go. We also got to see a good picture of her face. She was opening and closing her mouth and using her tongue to swallow. Absolutely only 19.5 weeks!!!!!! What a miracle!!! Oh. And she's still a girl! We were all relieved since the closet is turning more and more pink with each day! ;)
One thing that doesn't really matter for anyone else but they told us that we were missing the left artery.
After we had our ultrasound, we met in dr. Jones conference room. He went over the ultrasound and explained everything again. Then, he gave us the spill on SUA. He said it only happens in 1% of pregnancies. Most of the time, it's just nothing...just a fluke! But, in my case, he said he has to ask what happened to the artery. He said it COULD have been that the baby has my blood clotting disorder and the baby had a blood clot that stopped up the second artery and so it died away. He has no clue what really happened though. I asked about my risks of SUA and my other issues and he said I am a higher (not a huge amount higher, but higher) risk for problems. At this point, the concern would be: A. if there was a blood clot B. IUGR...and growth issues.
He said that we will definitely be seeing him this pregnancy. ;) And, we will be doing some major monitoring of her growth to make sure there are no problems.
BTW, my Bp was great! I wasn't surprised though bc dr Harper just upped my meds and it has been running extremely low (for me), withthe stress of the appointment, it brought it right up to perfect! I'm just hoping this pregnancy, that I can make it to a decent number of weeks before bedrest. We have alot more going on this pregnancy than I have had for the other two. I have two children thAt I'm chasing and my parents and matts parents had trigger every day while I was pregnant with campbell. Plus, we are remodeling. Dirt work starts Monday...slab is SUPPOSED to be poured by the end of the week. I will fall out if it is done by then! Anyway, life is busy and very chaotic. Oh and I had someone (that I will not name...and i know they don't read this blog) say that going from 2 to 3 was a big adjustment for them and they had been told it was easy. I looked at them and said "I fully anticipate it being VERY difficult...I'll have three that are 3 and under". This persons children are spaced out with one in High school. I continued "I won't be able to go anywhere alone bc trigger is a huge flight risk...Campbell will, of course, be a flight risk. I still carry him in everywhere....then add a car seat to lug in. I'm pretty sure I'll have to just stay home!". This person had the audacity to look at me and say "well. You should be fine bc you don't work and get to stay home". Now, believe me! I have done it both ways. I've worked! And it was extremely hard. Staying home is really just as hard but in a completely different way. My house will never, ever be completely picked up bc children are here all day destroying it...I have NO break from my children EVER...wait, scratch that...I do when I go to the dr and when I go to church. It's mentally draining!!!!! Some people should just think before they talk. I'm not saying staying at home is harder...not saying that at all!! I'm just saying that it might seem all rosey from their side of the fence when it's really a very rewarding but absolutely exhausting job.
Okay. Off of that. We are home from church this morning bc both boys are sick. Snotty noses. Irritable. Low grade fever. Irritable. Little cough. Irritable. You get the picture. So we are watching frosty right now to help us feel better!
I'll leave you with this because this is how
We feel after this week!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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