Friday, September 9, 2011


Trigger had his EEG on Tuesday morning. I had tried to prepare him as much as possible but I really did not know the exact procedure of northern la medical center's EEG. I did go prepared with a laptop, dvds, and my ipad. When we arrived at the hospital, matt and I got him signed in and headed over to have the EEG done. I was so concerned because Trigger has been throwing a fit when we wash his hair and you just never know how he is going to react. The EEG tech was so sweet. She came to get us from the waiting room and took us to the room to havethe EEG and Trigger started announcing that he needed to go to the bathroom sooooo I took him. He began begging me to take him home. When I told him we couldnt go home, he started pleading to go to "nother doctor". It was so sad! But, we teeteed and went back to the room. I got up on the bed with him.

Matt immediately got a dvd started...mary poppins...that was triggers decision. She showed Trigger everything she was going to do and gave him one of everything she was using (cotton ball, large q-tip, etc) to hold. He was so apprehensive but did soooo good staying calm.

Matt got to be the laptop holder while I was on the bed with trigger.

Trigger did NOT like the electrodes all over his head but he handled it so well. The tricky part...and the part that i was really worried about...was that he had to stay still for about 30 minutes. Anyone that knows trigger, knows that he rarely sits still for a minute! He did great though!!!! I was sooooo proud of him!!!! It was funny because at the end, she said that she needed to flash a bright light in his eyes to see brain activity during that time. She said that if he flipped out, it would be okay bc it was the end of the test. Did trigger flip out? NOPE. He laughed everytime the light flashed. He is (and always has been) so easily entertained!!!!!
All the electrodes were removed but there was still gobs of crisco type gunk all over triggers head. I had promised trigger a BIG icee for being so good. So, t and I headed to get an icee. When I got back in the car and handed him his icee, he looked over and said "this my icee?" I told him it was. He said "WHY?". Haha!!! Did need a big icee? No! But, he really deserved it!!!!

We went home and washed his hair with dawn. Mamaw and liz were keeping campbell at our house. Mamaw had bought trigger a surprise and he was sooo excited about his new john deere tractor. Then, we loaded back up and met matt for lunch at johnnys!
I'm so proud of my big boy!!!! Oh and we don't know the results yet. The neurologist had to look over the test and send a report to Dr Slusher. We should hear at the beginning of next week. Im honestly not worried about the results bc I don't think there is anything wrong. I was more concerned about the actual test! Whew. Glad it's over!

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