Monday, September 19, 2011

On a positive note

Construction has started at our house!!! Last weekend, I thin I asked matt a million times...."soo! Do you think they are coming Monday to get started...they better....bc this is getting ridiculous." I even ranted to two of my sister in laws that they better show up. As you know, last Sunday we were in the er and didn't get home until 1am Monday morning. Then, I had to hurry and get boys dressed and at dr office early Monday morning for check up and breathing treatment for trigger and appt for Campbell. It took forever...I was exhausted from the er visit...exhausted from the all morning dr visit. I was just worn out. Matt ran to get ts prescriptions from waltz and I went to get us some Wendy's. I took the boys home thinking that I'd feed them, give t breathing treatment and put them down for a Long nap (and me too!). Well. What did I follow into our neighborhood and right up to our house? The dirt guy with his huge bulldozer on the back of a trailer. I really almost burst into tears. My restful and napping afternoon had just been squashed....that paired with pregnancy was a bad combination. Isn't it funny how you can go from ready to curse someone if they don't show up, to on the verge of balling because the do. Haha!!! Anyway, thankfully, he had to go back and get a track-hoe before he could start so the boys got a nap. I can't remember but I think I got a short one too. I have taken some before pictures but I'll have to get them off my computer...we dont have Internet (or phones) as of right now so I will just have to wait to post those. Since Monday, they have yanked (and I do mean LITERALLY yanked) four or five big trees out of the ground, done major dirt work, dug out the stones (disaster DIY project from before kids) on back patio, and formed and poured three different concrete pads (boys rooms/bath/safe room, master closet, and back patio) and poured a new part to driveway and an apron leading up to matts shop. FIVE days! They were hauling it to get it done!!!! They will come back tomorrow to get it "blacked in". It has to happen immediately since it's an addition. If it were to rain hard before it gets blacked in, our current house will flood! Yikes!

We did lots of window watching this past week. It's really been great bc it gave the boys something to do!

Aren't they cute watching together!

This is before the bricks were ripped off! Matt got a text from our contractor one morning that Said "Garson awake?" Matt said "I'm sure. Why?" he said "if not, she will be in about 10 seconds when I start sawing the bricks." haha! It was LOUD! So loud that I thought they would be coming through the wall at any moment.

All those bricks just laying in a pile to be chunked. So sad!

This was the day that we had to relocate to Liz and daddy's. They had to move our electrical meter and some other things so they had the electricity off all day. At 10ish, I had to meet a new cleaning lady at our house and I was pretty sure she thought I was crazy. I had to show her the house with a flashlight. Ha!

Concrete poured. This is the 2 new rooms, bath, and safe room. Pads always look so small. I keep questioning matt about the size of the rooms. And to the left, you can see matts new parking spot was poured too.

And our back patio.

I didn't get a picture of the master closet or the shop apron. I have a ton of pictures on my camera so I'll be doing another post when we have Internet again.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Emery Wilkerson said...

I'm so excited to see pictures of ya'lls addition! Even though we are finished building our house, I still LOVE looking at houses, construction, etc. Such a fun process! Keep us posted with updates!