Monday, September 5, 2011

Not sure where to begin

So much has been going on in the last two-three weeks that I feel a little overwhelmed. There's so much that I want to make sure I blog about so I always remember them but I'm so tired that blogging gets pushed off to another day. Anyway, I am going to try to fill in the gaps so I can remember a few things. It may be that I repeat myself. I'm sorry about that...I have no explanation other than I'm lazy and don't want to go back and read my old posts AND of course my brain doesn't work anymore.
-in the last couple of weeks, Sydney has come over several times to play. She and trigger are so cute together. However, they fight like brother and sister.

-Campbell has not been sleeping great the last month or so. He's quite spoiled! AND, he has seriously been teething for a month and a half. His molars are almost all in and I just discovered last night that one of his canines has started to come in. Seriously?! We need a break from teething.

-so we have been quite excited about baby sister! I have done quite a bit of shopping and it is oh so fun! I also got out trigger and campbells coming home outfits...just for fun. Here is trigger laying beside his! His coming home outfit is not what I expected to bring my baby home in. Since he was born at lsu and was teeny tiny sooo Liz had bought this kissy kissy preemie outfit that was so sweet. I decided to choose it instead of a Feldman brothers since he had an hour car ride home from the hospital. It was funny (not really) because when Liz brought the outfit to me, I looked at it and said "there's no way he can wear that, it's going to be way too small". The picture doesn't do it justice. It's tiny. When I put it on him in the nicu, it was huge on him! Look how big my boy is now! From 4 lbs 5oz/18 inches to 38 lbs/39.5 inches. WOW!!!!!!

-campbell wasn't as cooperative about laying beside his coming home outfit. He wore a preemie feltman brothers outfit. It was actually the one that trigger was suppose to come home in but I chose the more comfortable one. Trigger had his newborn pictures taken at 5 weeks old in that preemie outfit and Campbell had his newborn pictures taken in it at 10 days too. It has a bonnet but I don't do bonnets on boys. I do have my limits. ;)

-can't remember if I posted this picture but here is our lamb at church. See the sweet pink ribbon.

-before school started for trigger, I tried to do some fun things with him. One of the things he LoVES is painting!

-just so you get to see what I see a big part of each day! Spoiled rotten!!!!!!!!

-And, he's quite mischievous too! He loves getting into our pantry and playing!

-me and my boy snuggling before bedtime.

-okay...this picture is hilarious. Those of you that know matt, know that the boy can watch ANYTHING. Seriously...anything! I can have say yes to the dress and he can walk through the room and stop to see what it is. Lifetime movies, cartoons, football, bowling, flower arranging (We don't really watch the last two), etc. It does not matter, he will get into whatever is showing! It really makes life grand for me bc he doesn't really complain about what's on tv. Now, he does love his huntin shows and sports!!!! The boys (in the pic below) look just like their daddy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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