Monday, September 5, 2011

Baby girl- ultrasound update

Well. A few of you know this already but I thought I'd blog about it.
The weeks leading up to our big ultrasound almost drove me insane. I so bad wanted to know what we were having. This baby was a huge surprise and i know its our last so it was my last time to have a gender revealed to me...this pregnancy has just felt different. I havent really worried...which is so different from the boys pregnancies. I worried constantly about everything. Well, A few days before our big ultrasound, instead of getting more excited, I got really nervous. My excitement turned to fear of something being wrong. In fact, the day before, I got a reminder that Angie smith's new book was coming out and I could go pre-order. I did order's about fears and I kind of think i need it. Anyway, her story all came back to me and the fears of what I could find out at this ultrasound really started to take over. I tried to just be excited but it was hard. We got to the ultrasound and I was so nervous. I asked if we could have mrs Nancy. She has been our ultrasound tech thru all of our problems, miscarriages, etc. She called me back! She did all of the measuring. They have a new machine so I couldn't really watch the screen and make sure everything was measuring on schedule. I heard her count the vessels in the cord. It's so weird because I always pay such close attention and I'd never noticed that. Its funny how everytime ive ever had a problem, this is what happens...something strange sticks out in my mind and I can't make it go away. That is what happened with the cord thing. I kind of made myself not think about it and I was so surprised and excited when we found out it was a girl that I tried not to think anything was wrong. The next day, I had a dr visit with Harper. The point of the visit was to go over the results of the ultrasound after the radiologist typed up his report. Green clinic does it a little different the most ob clinics. Anyway, the report wasn't ready...shocking, I know! ;) I mentioned something about the cord to dr harper. He brushed it off and said it was most likely nothing but explained the possibilities quickly...thinking that I was being my usual OCD self. Well, the appointment was on a Thursday and I got a call from dr Harper on Monday afternoon saying that there was a problem. The umbilical cord is a two vessel cord instead of a three vessel cord. When he told me, I chuckled a little and said "this is ridiculous...I mean, why can't I have one normal pregnancy". He just laughed. The problem with two vessels is that it only has 1 artery instead of 2 like it's suppose to...and then there is the vein. So this umbilical cord has one artery and one vein. So. What does that mean? Dr Harper said that I'm (or really, the baby) at alot more risk for genetic abnormalities and chromosomal abnormalities. The most common are heart and kidney problems. The other huge risk is IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction/retardation) and early delivery...which we are already at risk for with blood clotting disorders AND high blood pressure. We are going to Dr Jones in Shreveport on Thursday for a level 2 ultrasound. He is a maternal fetal medicine specialist that followed us when I was pregnant with Campbell. Honestly, our personalities don't jive but he's an awesome dr. I believe the level 2 ultrasound will measure the size and function of all organs as well as some other things. We may have to have an echocardiogram on the baby too. And, dr Harper warned us that he will probably want to do a amniocentesis...which we will probably opt out of bc of the risks involved. I also hope to find out if we are more at risk for those complications bc of the conditions that I already have. The good news is that they didn't see anything that jumped out at them in the ultrasound. However, Im ready for dr jones to do the ultrasound because he sees these problems all the time and knows what to be looking for. Oh AND, can you guess what percentage of pregnancies have a two cord vessel?
The answer: ONE PERCENT!!! yep, 1%!!! wouldn't you know that would be ME! Poor matt. He said he should've done a medical interview with me before we got engaged. ;)
So, please pray for us. I cant wait for Thursday to see dr jones!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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