Thursday, September 15, 2011

And it continues around here!

So, trigger's nose started running Friday. I thought "great. Change in temp and now we have a cold". He started running 101 temp. Saturday morning, still runny nose and still 101. Trigger wasn't acting himself and was pretty grumpy. This is how we spent alot of Saturday...watching tv and relaxing.

We (me and the boys)didn't go to church....campbell woke with a runny nose. After naps on sunday, his breathing started sounding bad...then it turned to wheezing Which he's never done before. I tried to say it would be ok but i knew deep down that we would be in the er. Well, matt put him to bed and I told matt that I was giving trigger 30 minutes and then I was going to listen to him. If he wasn't better, he was getting up and going to er. Well, 5 minutes after we put him down, I heard, "maaaamaaaaa, I can't breav (breathe)". I looked at matt and said "we are going to er". I went and got him and some clothes (as you will notice, it's apparently our hospital/dr's his favorite and comfy!). I gave him to matt and he sounded awful. He was breathing with his belly and very rapid. And I noticed that his chest was dipping too. So, matt held him for a second while I went and rocked Campbell (who was already wailing bc he now had low grade temp). I got Trigger dressed and loaded him up and headed to the er around 8. When we got there, I filled out the form and sat in the waiting room. It was Packed...I've never seen that many people in the er!!!! Fortunately, and im not sure why, we got called back immediately. The nurse checked his oxygen levels (which were 90) and she rushed us back to a room. She got the real pulse oxygen machine hooked up and it read better at 96-97. Trigger was not a fan of the red light on his thumb. Not at all.

In fact, he held his thumb up and wouldn't put it down. A little like his momma and an iv! ;)

The dr came in and he was so nice!!!! He said he was doing alot of belly breathing to make up for not being able to use his chest. He said he was retracting. When he listened to him, he had fluid in his right lung and said it sounded like the beginning of pneumonia. We were to have chest xray, breathing treatments, and flu and rsv tests. Matt showed up sometime about now...Liz went to watch Campbell. I'm glad he came bc they came shortly after and made me leave the room completely during the xray. I'm not sure how I could've left my baby in the room to have chest xray. Then, they did a breathing treatment. He had to keep his hand on his eye the whole time. Who knows why?!? He wasn't a fan of the mask but didn't cry.

The resp therapist is friends with matts sister so she was so sweet to us and gave trigger a Popsicle right after...he actually got another Popsicle at some point.

The xray showed that he did have fluid on his right lung. They didn't diagnose him with pneumonia though. Just really bad bronchitis. After 3 or so hours of waiting after the breathing treatment (a wreck and a broken hip case all came in at once so we were put on the back burner), the dr came back in and listened to him and said he sounded better but still had alot of fluid. He said t had to get a rosefrin (spelling?) shot and sent us home with a zpac prescription. He also said that trigger had to see his pediatrician first thing in the morning bc he needed another breathing treatment. He said he was still belly breathing and retracting but was better. He also said that if we came back in, they would probably admit him. So, we got the shot (awful!!!) and trigger fell sound asleep. We got home at 1.

The next morning, we got an appt with the pediatrician at 9am. I was so glad that we got an early appt bc he woke up already wheezing and I knew he needed a breathing treatment. The problem was that we had to wait over an hour to get called back. I was quite aggravated. In fact, the knew that we had been to er and that the dr Said he needed a breathing treatment and I reminded them when I got there. His breathing was getting worse and worse by the minute. If we had had to wait much longer, we were headed to er. Ridiculous!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, they got us back. The nurse listened to him and put the pulse oxygen machine on him. Dr Magee came in and confirmed that he heard fluid and started him on a breathing treatment. He gave us a prescription of a steroid too and gave us a nebulizer and prescription for albuterol. I was so excited to own a nebulizer and medicine. I know that's ridiculous but it is such a relief to know that I have something to help my children breathe if this happens again. Anyway, we were instructed to go straight home and do another breathing treatment, do one 2 hours after that, and one every 4 hours around the clock for at least 24 hours. We had to wake him at night too. :(

Monday night was the worst night ever! We had to wake trigger twice to get breathing treatments. Then, Campbell (who also went to dr Magee and was told he had a virus) was up NO LIE every 20-30 minutes screaming. One of us would go in there and change his diaper and rock him. Oh my word. Finally around 330, I decided to change his pjs just in case there was something bothering him. He did have on pjs that were a little too small but he had worn them recently. Anyway, I changed them to some bigger ones and low and behold, he slept from about 4-on. I really wanted to scream!!!!!!
This is how we have spent alot of time. Trigger getting breathing treatments and watching tv. He has been up and down. Hyper on steroids and then begging for a "breathing treat" bc he can't breathe. For awhile, we couldn't make it for the four hours but it's getting better every day.

And because these brothers like to share everything...haha! Little campbell got to start breathing treatments. He has been wheezing a little. Nothin compared to trigger but since we had the medicine, we decided to nip it before it became as bad as trigger. And, that's what dr Magee told us to do. I wasn't just doctoring him myself! ;)
I have to say that Campbell is quite as compliant as trigger. Poor little guy!

I hope We are on the mend because this momma is tired.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Emery Wilkerson said...

What a rough few days!! No fun at all. Hopefully they've completely turned the corner! And girl, you are going to LOVE having the nebulizer!!! We've only had one for about 6 months but it has been great! If Hudson starts coughing, I start the nebulizer & so far, it has prevented him from getting sick. In fact, it's kept us out of the doctors office several times. Such a blessing! ha!