Thursday, September 15, 2011


So, Liz had planned on coming over to hang out today bc they have started on our addition to our house and it's been fun to watch them work. She got here around 9. I had already called dr Slushers office to Leave a message about campbell. We took him to the dr Monday but his cough has gotten worse and I have noticed (I may be me being paranoid) him wheezing a few times. I had started him on breathing treatments but I thought he might need an antibiotic. They called back and really wanted to see him and listen to his chest. We made an appt for 1030. Liz was already at the house so it was perfect...she could keep trigger. At about 1000. All of us were in triggers room watching the men work out the window and trigger and Campbell had gotten out a pop up tent and were playing in it on triggers floor. all of a sudden, I hear someone fall over and hit the bed. With a thunk! I Waited for a millisecond and trigger started wailing. I ran over and lifted the tent. Oh my word. Blood was pouring down the front of his something out of a horror movie. I really didn't even know where he had hit his head bc there was so much blood. I grabbed him and told Liz to get some rags. She did and I held pressure. Liz and I first decided to take him to the er. We started loading kids...and I kept pressure on ts head. Then, I got a good look at the cut. It was deep but was bleeding less. We decided to take him to dr Slusher since we had an appt for c anyway and let her determine if he needed stitches. I called matt and he met us there. After we got it to stop bleeding and his head cleaned up a little, matt took this picture. It's not long but it's deep!!!!!!!

I'm sure people were looking at us bc matt, Liz and I looked pretty distraut. And the boys were looking pretty haggard...especially t bc he had picked out his clothes and had gotten dressed in something that totally did not match. AND, his shirt was on backwards bc that's how he insisted it was suppose to be worn. Ha! And in the midst of the blood pouring all over the place, I didn't really take the time to turn his shirt around. Oh and this is what my shirt looked like. I'm sure people were looking at me. At some point, I did get to change.

We finally, after waiting an hour (waiting there has gotten out of control), got to see Slusher. She got the run down of triggers er visit and the treatments. She didn't see him Monday bc she has Monday's off so she needed a little update. She listened to trigger and said he was still wheezing...and it had only been 3 hours from his last breathing treatment. Ugh. So she told us to go back to doing more breathing treatments. She looked at his head and said that I needed to take him to urgent care for some attention. Then, she checked campbell...which was the reason we had the appt. He sounded good. No fluid. No wheezing. So she did an rsv test and it was negative so we have started him on an antibiotic too. I left and headed over to urgent care with trigger. Liz left in my car with Campbell shortly after to take him home. Matt came back to green clinic to help with trigger. (he had left after realizing that t was okay) Dr Kirby came in and said he would need stitches. I started to try to prepare trigger that he was getting a shot. He started getting upset. Told me he wanted to go back to the "real dr". Haha. He cried (and I almost balled) while they numbed it. I have to say that it was disgusting. They dug down in the cut with the needle to put numbing medicine. Then, he stopped crying and they did the stitches. He was Sooooo brave. I was shocked at how good he did!!!! It only took three stitches.

This poor baby has had a rough week-week and a half. An eeg, Two shots, xray, breathing treatments, er visit, rsv and flu test, and stitches!!!!!! I'm hoping thats the last of our dr visits for awhile.

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