Monday, September 5, 2011

Trigger- Trinity (pictures from my computer)

I have said probably a million times…we moved Trigger to Trinity this year.  I have taught a lot of children from the Trinity program and I am always very impressed with how prepared they are when they get to Cedar Creek Pre-K.  We also wanted to have Mrs. Lisa!!  She is Matt’s partner’s wife.  I just hope Trigger behaves for her since we go to church with her and Matt and Chris work together daily!  Surely he can’t be the worst she’s had?!?!  Haha!  Lisa is an awesome teacher.  She has a degree in education…in fact, I’m 99% sure she has her masters.  We are very lucky to have her.  As I said earlier, we went to meet Mrs. Lisa.  I really didn’t know what to expect because you just never know when they are going to decide to cling on for dear life to your leg.  He spoke to Mrs. Lisa and ran on into the room and started playing.  He LOVED the room.  And, I have to be honest, from a teacher perspective, I was VERY impressed!  It wasn’t just a Sunday school room with a teacher in there.  It looked like a Pre-K classroom.  Lisa had her block plan for the week posted so we could see the activities they would participate in each day.  She has her centers clearly defined.  EVERYTHING was age appropriate!  I was IMPRESSED…I mean, he is just 3 years old but I was so excited…and STILL AM.  I can’t tell  you how many times that I have looked at Matt and said, “I’m so glad we are there”.  I have to say that it is a little strange to be walking those halls again.  I spent my first 12 years of life at Trinity.  That’s where we went to church until Liz and Daddy got married.  The two directors know me from my childhood (not sure if that’s good or not)…and I see them first thing when I walk in each morning.  They talk to me and both of the boys!  Soooo, I will say it again, I am impressed with the program!!! 

When we got ready to leave, Lisa had a book to give to each child.  Don’t you love his hat?!?  I do!!  That is Reeves’s hat (Mrs. Lisa’s son) from when he was little. 

Trigger's first day of Trinity 035Trigger's first day of Trinity 036

When I dropped Trigger off on the first day, (as instructed) we went in and washed his hands…I love that!  We did that at the school that I student taught.  I’m hoping MAYBE that will cut down on our illnesses this year.  Then, Trigger puts his apple up on the tree so everyone will know that he is present.  I sign him in and leave.  NO tears…we went all three days last week and NO TEARS.  In fact, he got so excited each morning when I told him we were going back.  Makes a momma’s heart VERY happy!

I did snap a few pictures of him playing before I left.

Trigger's first day of Trinity 096Trigger's first day of Trinity 097Trigger's first day of Trinity 098

Matt did come on the first day to drop off too but I didn’t get a picture of the two of them.  I did get a picture of Campbell and Matt when we were leaving.  Look at that snuggler.  LOVE him!

Trigger's first day of Trinity 100

Oh and so I can remember, Trigger will go to school from 9-12 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  We have him signed up for early drop off which starts at 750.  I haven’t taken him to that yet.  Really the only reason he is signed up is because Matt was going to take him on the way to work.  However, since I signed him up, Matt has started going to work at 5am to keep from having to go back to work right now.  So, I’m not sure I will ever be up and ready early enough to take him to early drop off.  We shall see.  I did not sign him up to stay until 2.  Trigger does not nap at school…and he NEEDS his naps!  Right now, I pick him up at 12, feed him lunch and put him down for a nap.  It’s working out good right now.  We will see how it all works out once the baby arrives.  Liz says that if I go on bedrest, Trigger will stay until 2 and we will be signing Campbell up for Trinity MDO.  Hmmmm…I’m not so sure about that.  I really, really can’t send Campbell right now.  He will go for sure next fall.  However, right now, he is still my BABY~!!!  I can’t let go of him right now!

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