Thursday, September 1, 2011

Our ultrasound

We are having a.....GIRL!!!!!!!
Last Wednesday, mrs Nancy called me back. She did lots and lots of measuring. The baby measured right on track for what the shreveport drs thought. I am due around January 28th. Dr Harper thinks my due date is a week before this. Either way, the latest we would deliver is the middle of January...I'll explain why in a minute.
After Mrs Nancy (love her...when she called me back, she immediately remembered me...I know, it wasnt that long ago since last ultrasounds/baby! Ha...but she started asking about my shots, Bp, etc.) finished measuring, she called matt back. She showed him all the baby's body. She looked to determine gender and the babies legs were wide open. There wasn't a turtle which was easily identifiable with boys. There was absolutely nothing Sooooo....she announced that we were having a GIRL! To say we were excited was an understatement. Would I have been exited to have a boy? Absolutely! I LOVE, LOVE boys...and three little boys close in age wouldve been precious. However, the excitement came bc it was something we never expected and knew we would never get another chance.
I'm actually doubting the results and wondering if mrs Nancy was wrong...bc it just feels so surreal that we will be having a girl. I (actually matt and in both) immediately came home to tell trigger, Campbell, and Liz. Let me just say that I'm so thankful that I could tell Liz it was a girl. She would've loved a boy,
Of course! But she was pretty dead set that it had to be a girl! We told trigger and he said "like mawory" (Mallory Waller) precious!
Liz squealed and screamed and jumped up and down. She had the boys and Sydney outside at our house and they were completely naked and were playin with a water hose and mud. They were filthy. Liz told
Them to go inside bc we were going to the childrens shoppe! Soooo...we went to eat and then went shopping for baby girl.

Liz went a little crazy!!! I love it all.
Then, on Friday, matts mom came to get trigger and Liz,
Campbell and I went to Monroe shopping. And, things got a little out of control then too.

I stacked them by sizes to make sure we got a good variety.

Then, I just had to hang them somewhere soooo, trigger now has part of his closet taken up by baby "stister" clothes.

Im loving all this new pink stuff!!
So fun!!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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