Monday, September 5, 2011

Triggers news

And I have more news...when I tell you that it's been a wild and crazy few weeks, I am NOT kidding!!!!!
I posted about triggers episode a few days ago. well, we went to see dr Slusher and she highly recommended that trigger have an EEG to see if there are any problems. She doesn't anticipate anything showing up but we have to be safe. We were suppose to go last week but something came up with our family so we had to cancel. We are going tomorrow morning. I'm a little concerned about trigger bc he has some sensory issues and I have a feeling that putting a hundred or so electrodes and goop on his head are NOT going to go well! Maybe he will surprise me though! I'm not sure when we will get the results. Hopefully soon! I'll be sure to take some pictures.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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