Sunday, January 30, 2011

WLW usage and tips

Most of you can probably figure this out because it’s so much like composing something in word.  Anyway, I will give you a few tips and basics.

You can type in a subject and then just type in the big box for the actual post.  When you are ready to insert a picture, you stop typing,  and click up there on the top right “picture” and then click on “from computer”, find the picture, and click on it to upload.  NOW, I have learned THE MOST WONDERFUL THING SINCE BLOGGING JUST THE OTHER DAY…are you ready for this!!!!!!

You can click on “picture”, Click on “from computer”, choose the folder for the pictures that you desire to upload, THEN YOU CAN click on one picture and hold down the ctrl button and click on as many pictures as you would like (it should highlight them all if you hold the ctrl button the whole time) and then you click “ok” AND it will ask you to either put pictures inline or in an album.  I always choose inline so that they aren’t in a scrolling album SO THAT they will all show up when you print out your blog in a book.  Sometimes your pictures will be side by side and fuzzy once they are uploaded…all you have to do is to click on one and pull it down (like you do when you move one around) and if you are patient and give it a second, it will usually move all pictures for you to put them all one on top of the other. 

So, this is what I usually do…I usually go pick out all my pictures, open WLW, upload my 22 or so pictures “inline” and then I go back and add text where I want it to be added.  Remember that this is just like word in that you can move pictures…or highlight text and move the text around. 

Whew I’m so tired..I hope this is making sense…I don’t think my words on this screen are conveying just how wonderful I think this program is! and I KNOW none of this is grammatically correct. sorry about that!


You’ll have to play with the photos because once you have them uploaded, you can click on the picture and do all sorts of fun things…like add this polaroid border…you can change the sharpness, color, move the pic from left to right in your text, etc.   Here’s a little hint:  I always have my pictures looking the same because I’m oh so boring!  mine are always aligned in the center and they always have a certain border.  Soooo…if you are anal like me and like things “just So”, you can get one photo set like you like it to be and click on “set to default” under the settings (when you are double clicked on a picture).  when you choose to “set to default”, all your pictures will automatically be like you like them to be….like mine automatically aligns to the center without me having to choose that setting for EVERY picture….THIS IS WHERE YOU SAVE TIME, people!!!!  YAY!!!

When you get finished with your post, you click “publish” OR you can save it by clicking on the white piece of paper beside the word “home”…and click on save and I always save local draft.  you can choose to save to blog but that means you have to go to blogspot to finish your post, I THINK!  if you click on local, it will be saved in WLW and you can go open it in WLW just like you open word documents. 

one more thing, it’s going to ask for your password after you click to publish.  that’s your password for your blog acct.  this just insures that strangers can’t grab your computer and post things to your blog…why they would want to is beyond me, but people are weird sooo…just enter the password and go about your business…and you have a lot more time on your hands now so you can take care of a lot more business!!!

Okay…that should get you started…im tired…I have to pump…and I already hear someone (aka “camel”) making little noises in his room.  I’ll come back later with some more little tidbits.  I hope this is life changing for you!!!!

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