Wednesday, January 12, 2011

More Iphone pictures…

I’m sure this is completely boring for those of you that read our blog but it just makes me so sad/happy/nostalgic when I look back at these pictures.

Let’s start with one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE pictures that I’m sure Matt will NOT appreciate me putting on here…but he says he doesn’t have time to read our blog…and says it doesn’t matter because he knows everything on it because he lives it…HAHA…bet he didn’t know I’d post this picture.  This Matt and Trigger sometime near Trigger’s first Christmas.  He was 5-6 months old and was having napping issues.  Well, Matt went to rock him and never came out.  I went to check on them and this is what I found.  Isn’t that hilarious…AND VERY SCARY.  I’m amazed that Trigger didn’t roll off Matt’s legs!  IMG_0412

Trigger playing in Zizzy’s creekIMG_0403Trigger eating breakfast.IMG_0429One of Trigger’s many, many accidents.  This was when he went tumbling down the hill on his tractor and couldn’t stop and ran into a tree…and scraped his head on a tree.IMG_0409Trigger and I went with Liz to pick up Daddy’s new boat.  While Liz was doing the paperwork, Trigger played on the showroom boats.IMG_0438IMG_0442IMG_0452Trigger sleeping in the car.IMG_0457IMG_0463

Trigger and Campbell’s doors.IMG_0528Me at NLMC having one (of the million that I had) Non-stress tests.IMG_0529IMG_0531Sweet boy…look at that blonde hair!IMG_0535

My NST (non-stress test) print out.IMG_0569IMG_0575Campbell has arrived!!!  IMG_0609IMG_0611The first time Trigger held Campbell. He was IN LOVE!!!!!IMG_0616

CampbellIMG_0656Trigger and Mr. BobbyIMG_0670IMG_0683IMG_0704Abby put her ipod in Campbell’s carseat while I wasn’t looking and had Hannah Montana playing…she said she thought Campbell would like to listen to some music…so sweet!  IMG_0725Love, LOVE this picture!IMG_0729IMG_0759This is what can be found ALL OVER OUR HOUSE!  a line up of cars, trucks, trains, etc.IMG_0771Trigger does NOT like to drive through the carwash.IMG_0776

I thought I should do another posts…so I’ll stop here…it’s giving me some kindof ugly message about this being too many pictures!  HAHA!

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