Friday, January 14, 2011

Trigger loves “My Sydney”

Sydney came over with Liz the other day.  Liz keeps Sydney on Mondays and Fridays.  Trigger usually has OT on Mondays and goes to Matt’s parents on Friday mornings so we don’t get many chances to have playdates.  This particular week we had to reschedule OT so I quickly called Liz to schedule a playdate with Sydney.  Of course Trigger was bouncing up and down with excitement and spent the ENTIRE time fussing and crying and yanking and pulling toys because Sydney was playing with the EXACT TOY THAT HE WAS JUST ABOUT TO PLAY WITH (but hasn’t touched in months).  Don’t you just love it!!!  Anyway, I love having them come over and getting to visit with Liz so all and all it was good playdate!

It was really cold this day so Sydney came over with gloves on so Trigger hightailed it to his room to find his “glubs” (that he has had absolutely NO interest in since he got them).  He literally wore them the REST OF THE DAY…he even took his nap with them on.    In the pictures below, Sydney and Liz were about to leave and a little wrestling began! ;) Zizzy is so fun…and such a boy momma/grandmother…she’s not fragile and loves to be rough with my tough boy! (Excuse Campbell, he’s in a diaper only because he spit up all over his clothes and I striped him down and noticed a photo op so campbell took the backburner and I took pictures.  Poor baby!

Trigger and Campbell in plaid matching 103

Trigger and Campbell in plaid matching 104

Trigger and Campbell in plaid matching 105

Trigger and Campbell in plaid matching 106

Trigger and Campbell in plaid matching 107

Trigger and Campbell in plaid matching 108

Trigger and Campbell in plaid matching 109

Trigger and Campbell in plaid matching 110

Did you notice how happy Trigger was in all those pictures?!?  He LOVES to play rough and to wrestle!

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