Sunday, January 30, 2011

Windows Live Writer

First let me say that I do not work for windows. However, I feel like I should get a little money for advertising this to the four people that are reading this.
Okay. So I used to blog thru blogspot (through my blog acct) by clicking on "new post" at the top right. However, this took me forever!!!!!! If you follow our blog or know me, you know that I absolutely LOVE pictures. Uploading on blogspot was excruciating (that might be a little dramatic but thats how I felt) and very frustrating. So, I discovered Windows Live Writer. I can't tell you how life changing this was for me. Again, that might sound a little ridiculous but I'm so serious!!! Photos are a breeze to upload an take no time!! After having several people ask me about it, I decided to do a little step by step so you can blog easily...and save time! Bc we all know how precious time is these days! So here we go!
1. I googled "windows live writer"
2. Click "download now"
3. Choose location to save and remember where you saved it...if you choose for it to save on your desktop, it will be easy to find!!
4. After it is finished downloading, you will have to go find the if you saved it on your desktop, go there! Double click on the icon. Mine had the windows icon and "wlsetup-web".
5. You now have to install it. Mine is actually still installing at the moment.

And it's taking forever! Hopefully yours won't take that long!

Let me pause here While I wait on it to finish...and tell you that at this moment, I am blogging from my iphone. I'm using blog press. I think I had to pay for this app but it is awesome! I can blog on the go...especially if I have a cute iPhone pic that ive taken of the boys while we are out. Maybe I'll do a little step by step of that later.
Ok. Still waiting. Here's an idea: click install and go get a big bowl of ice cream, watch a movie, run a couple of miles (if you are into that sortof thing...I'd opt for the bowl of ice cream...but if you care about your health, more power to you! Ha)
6. Find WLW (windows live writer) can search for it under the start menu.
7. Once it's up, it will ask you to configure, click "next"
8. The next box will ask you which service you use? I use blogspot so I chose "other services"
9. Enter your blog address. Ex.
10. You have to enter your username and password. This should be the username and password that you use to get into your blog.
11. Then, it will ask you to select blog. I only have "team Woodard" in the box bc I only have one blog. Click "next"
12. Wait for it to detect blog settings
13. It asked me some question about a template. I just clicked yes. I'm tired and don't really know what it said but I'm sure it will be fine!
14. Still waiting
15. Ok. Well whatever I said yes to, it told me it couldn't download the theme or something like that but that I could still compose and post. Soooo don't worry if you get that message too!
17. Choose blog nickname and click finish.
18. WLW will pop up and you are ready to compose.
19. WLW is much like word in that you type, insert pics, etc. Okay. I'll post some more from my computer. I'm tired of typing on my phone!

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