Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Annnnd MORE!

I love this frown…matt and I have always talked about how many different facial expressions campbell has…this would be one of them.

IMG_0794IMG_0824IMG_0832IMG_0861IMG_0797On Trigger’s birthday, he got to go eat at Johnny’s.IMG_0878This is our stop for lunch on our way to the Astros game…Campbell was 7 weeks old.  Trigger had just turned two the day before.IMG_0882IMG_0888IMG_0889Trigger at the dr.s office.IMG_0932Trigger taking baby Jim for a ride.IMG_0970Making brownies with my big boy…and looking pretty rough…sorry!IMG_0983IMG_0985IMG_0998IMG_1045

Sorry if this grosses you out….my milk from a day.  lots and lots of milk.IMG_1102Trigger was in was almost bathtime so he was naked.  Matt sat down to talk to him and Trigger thought he was getting a spanking…IMG_1105IMG_1131IMG_1140Trigger holding Campbell’s hand…SO SWEET!  I just turned around and he had reached over there without any prompting!IMG_1161 we really need to revisit the horrible illness of 2010.  poor trigger was one sick, sick little boy!IMG_3651IMG_3660My favorite little pjs.  THey were Trigger’s…they are Astros pjs.IMG_3669Trigger giving Campbell a bottle…back when he used to get a bottle…not sure the last time he has had one.IMG_3674Trigger reading a story to Campbell.IMG_3675Me and Campbell at a doctor’s appt.IMG_3696Daddy and Campbell…waiting for Reid to arrive…IMG_3701IMG_3716IMG_3744

Ok…apparently this is going to take a million different posts..WHEW…I had a ton of pictures on my phone!

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