Friday, January 21, 2011

Whew. Where to begin?

I'm overwhelmed by so many things that I want to blog about. Not to mention a million pictures that I'm behind on posting. This blog can sometimes feel like our laundry. Always overflowing and nEVER caught up. The problem is that I really want to blog more than I want to do laundry...but laundry is in my face and my boys need their empty drawers to be filled so I don't have to keep making trips to the laundry baskets. Ok. Enough about that. I want to make this post about My little Trigger. I pick on him and talk about his difficult behavior (which--besides the yelling--has gotten slot better). But, he's a very kind hearted child. He's very inquisitive...constantly asking questions. So much that I have to watch myself bc I get all in a hurry and find myself getting annoyed at the questions. After I take a deep breath and slap my wrist, I remember that he's only asking so that he can learn. He's not being mean and he's not trying to annoy me. He just really wants to know! I see so much of myself in him. He is sooo curious. Here lately, if you leave a room he's right behind me saying " I come too, momma". It's not because hes scared. It's because he's mr busy body and wants to know what you are doing in the other room. I truly get ask these questions a million times a day: "what's that, momma?" "what's his name?" "e (which means you) ok, momma?"(guess he senses my instability. Haha) "what's wrong, momma?" (like if I huff or growl when something doesn't go my to work on that) "E (which means you) hear that, momma? What's that?" "where's ----- (fill in anyone that we know)?"
I know he probably has Soooo far to go on his speech and probably no one else appreciates his speech but I know where be was this time last year. 14 months ago, he was barely saying "momma" and "dadda" to get our attention. Now, he has this big vocabulary and talks NON stop!
He still says some things wrong and I don't dare correct him bc I love it:
Cake cakes (pancakes)
Mis-roll (control)
Nockelers (binnoculars)
Uncle bana (aunt Vanna)

Those are just the ones I've noticed lately. I'm sure there are a million more. I'll have to add as I think of them.
I love how he always addresses me in his sentences. Like:
"I fix it, momma"
"momma, get my supper?"
He'll even pause like he's thinking about who he should be addressing. "I can do it (pause), momma".
He uses thank you and please. And he uses "excuse me" quite often and we've never really worked on that. We are still workin on "yes maam" and "yes sir".
He has always loved painting and coloring but he's just discovered his magnadoodle. He loves it. He has spent minutes (that's long for him) working on coloring the whole board. And he always wants us to trace his hand and draw his face. I showed him how to make a "t" (which he calls "d"). When I was making it, I kept saying "down and across". He know repeats almost everytime he is drawing. He can make a "T" but it's usually sideways. I'm sure I have shared this but we are pretty sure he's a lefty. It could still change but I would say 90% of the time he uses his left hand. He also can hold his pen pretty good for a 2 yr old.

He made the "t" in the bottom right corner of the paper (bottom left of the picture bc the pic is turned sideways)!
Trigger picks things up so quickly. I'm not gonna say he's the smartest child ever bc we are still working on color recognition (even though his therapist has tested him and says he knows them...he doesn't usually do it for us). But, you can usually show him how to do something once and he can do it. There are so many daily things that he knows that shock me. And follows directions great. If he's in the mood. Like I can tell him to go get all of the laundry baskets (ours, Ts, and cs) and he'll get them, dump them out on the laundry room floor and take them back. Amazing to me. I usually have to ask him Which basket belongs to him and which belongs to Campbell bc they have the same but diff colors. The other day he was in the den and he was trying to fold his "b". I showed him one time and he can do it. Amazing!

Also, I was fiddling around in the playroom and trigger got out the sorting bears and bowls. I don't think I've ever sorted bears with him. His therapist has done it a couple of times. I look over and...

It's just amazing to me how fast a two year old can absorb things!
Ok so he may be wild at times but he's also a lot of fun!!!!! And I love him soooooo incredibly much!!!!
This past Sunday was his FIRST Sunday (at 30 months) that trigger wore pants and a button up (and a vest). He's always worn a Jon Jon or longall or smocked set. Oh how sad it made me. Don't get me wrong...I thought he looked cute but it was still sad! See that on picture...we did NOT tell him to put his hand in his pocket. Mr GQ did that on his own. Haha!

P.s. Sorry if you actually read this whole post...that was some bragging but this is my only way of remembering that he could do these things I can stress when Campbells not doing them at this age. Haha!
One more thing just so you don't think that I think triggers the smartest, most well adjusted child. FAR FROM it...he has a temper. He's hardheaded, etc etc etc. Oh and I have got to potty train the child. Please someone that has boys tell me it's okay. This is where we are at. He's been able to make himself teetee since he was 9 months. No lie. He would grunt and push until teetee came out when I was changing his diaper and then he'd laugh. Yep!!! He sure did! Then at 15 months, he started teetering on the potty everyday before and after bath and occasionally when changing his diaper. He knows how to go but doesn't care to tell me. And he can teetee every 5 minutes. The other day I took him and watched him teetee (which alot oftimes I'll just send him in and he'll teetee and come out...he can pull pants down, teetee, and pull back up). He teeteed forever. Then, 10 min later be was at my feet striping down bc he'd teeteed in his underwear (and pants, socks, etc). Soooo. What's next? I seriously need some advice!
Okay. Campbell is now crying. Both boys are sick so I better go check and see what's wrong.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

HouseofHaynes said...

Here goes...our pediatrician told us that boys potty train at an average age of 3.6. She recommended that we leave it alone and they will tell us when they are ready. We did, they did and it was as easy as pie! Tanner was old...he was 3.2, but once he said he was ready there was no training. He put underwear on, went to the potty when he had to, and didn't have accidents. About day 3 he wanted to go back, but I stuck it out with the underwear and the next day we were back on track! Ethan was younger...he was 2.5 and he was the same way. We did still put him in pull ups at night because he slept so hard! Basically, let it go! Our pediatrician said that you don't see any adults walking around un potty trained! So true! Best advice I ever took!