Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Life with little ones

So I posted on Saturday (the post below) that Campbell was really fussy and clingy.  We had been to the dr on Friday and she told us that both boys had upper respiratory viruses (Viruses=no medicine! )and she told us to watch Campbell because it was kind of early in the virus and he might have RSV…to watch for rapid breathing, wheezing, etc.  

Here’s a quick, blurry pic from the dr. appt.



You can tell in that one of me and him, that he is a sick little boy!

We cancelled our plans for Saturday night to eat with friends…and we cancelled our shopping trip to Monroe (I needed a few things from target, hobby lobby, etc.).  So Saturday morning, Matt went outside to do a few things at the shop.  I put Campbell in his exersaucer so I could take a quick shower.  As soon as I got in, he started crying…and then wailing…then he started to do this “cry out, bark…cry, bark…cry, bark”…let’s just say it sounded bad.  Trigger apparently thought so too because he ran over to him and was saying “it’s ok camel” and “mommy’s coming” and rubbing his head and then when those things didn’t work, he took some blocks and stacked them all up and said “ you want to knockem down”.  I thought that was soooo incredibly sweet of Trigger.  He is used to him crying but he KNEW something was different and he was concerned and wanted him happy!  As I rinsed my hair quickly, I told Trigger to go to the backdoor by the playset and knock on the window and see if he could get daddy to come.  I didn’t figure it would work but I wanted matt to hear Campbell.  Trigger came back as I was getting out and said “he wouldn’t come” (matt later told me that he saw/heard him and thought he was just saying “hi” and matt just waved at him.).  I scooped up campbell while dripping wet and ran to the backdoor and yelled for matt.  He came in and by that time campbell had kindof settled down and sounded a little better.  He continued to do the barking thing every now and then when he would cry.  All throughout the day, I just knew…I KNEW…that we would end up in the ER.  It’s a tricky fine line…you can’t take them too early or they will brush you off but you DON”T want to take them too late!!!!!!   Oh and if you know me, you know that I don’t hesitate to take my babies (or myself) to the dr.  POOR MATT!  Anyway, as the evening progressed, Campbell went from doing the barking when he cried to when he coughed.  I put him down like always…around 7.  Then, I had to go back in there about an hour later…and I was just worried sick…I kept pacing and asking Matt if we should go to the ER…he kept telling me to settle down….he had not really heard the bark yet.  THEN, over the monitor, I hear “bark, bark, bark, bark, etc”.  Matt and I went back there.  He was barking while breathing.  He wasn’t in distress.  I wasn’t really worried that he wasn’t getting air but I knew that it was progressing fast.  I turned to Matt and told him to get Campbell’s bag ready and he did.  Off Campbell and I went to the ER around 900.  Thankfully, we did not have to wait long.  The doctor saw us quickly.  He told me (which is what I had diagnosed him with) that he had Croup.  They immediately did breathing treatments (which he HATED…she didn’t even try the mask..she just used the tube…he screamed the ENTIRE time and disturbed the whole ER) for a quick fix so he could get inflammation down and could breathe better.  Then, they gave him an oral steroid.  Afterwards, They did xrays of his upper airways (esophagus) to make sure he had a good path after the breathing treatments…which he did.  Oh and they did test him for RSV and it was negative.  We had to wait about two hours to make sure he didn’t redevelop the bark OR have a reaction to any of the meds.  We finally left there and got Campbell in bed about 1:00AM.  He was absolutely exhausted…as was I!!

Here are some ER pics…IMG_4294IMG_4298IMG_4299

The story isn’t over!  So Campbell slept from 1am-7am sunday.  He was extremely fussy all day and I pretty much held him and carried him around…because mr. c would prefer you to be on the go! ;)  Sunday night I went to put him down and he screamed and screamed and screamed….and when he got upset, he would start some slight barking and nose would get all stopped up.  I assumed that he had an ear infection.  I called the on-call pediatrician which happened to be dr. slusher.  She told us to get an appt first thing Monday morning.  Campbell finally went to sleep around 11:30.  Monday morning, Trigger was fussy IN ADDITION to Campbell still being fussy.  So I made BOTH an appt to see Dr. Magee because Slusher was out.  Of the four ears, THREE were infected.  Both of Campbells and one of Triggers.  They are both on antibiotics now!  And I’m hoping they are BOTH on the mend.  AND, to add to Campbell’s fussiness, he cut his right fang tooth AND he is getting all three of his other top teeth…they are all about to come thru…or at least they look like they are! 

Whew…it’s been a rough couple days in the Woodard household.  BUT, it could ALWAYS be worse..way worse so im thankful for our measly upper resp virus/croup/ear infections!!!  On a positive note, I’m pretty sure all my muscles in my arms are a lot stronger than they were a few days ago because I have toted Campbell all over the house while he’s been awake!  We will have some serious re-training to do after this!

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