Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Valentines 2012

I had the best of intentions for Valentines.  The boys and I made lots of Valentines crafts.  The day before Valentines, the boys painted a banner.  But, I feel like I didn’t get to really do a lot because we were rushed, fussy baby, etc.  I guess I will try harder next year!

Trigger was still not going to school and missed his Valentines party which literally made me want to CRY!  But, he didn’t have any idea that he missed.  I did make these for his class.  It says “I hope you have a BALL this Valentine’s Day!”  I bought several different type small, bouncy balls to put inside.  I thought it was a nice alternative to candy!

IMG_1188The night before Valentines, I hung the banner that the boys had painted and I put out all three presents for our THREE children.  IMG_1212We did not get them much…just a DVD and playdough…and the boys got a few small balls.IMG_1219IMG_1222IMG_1227IMG_1228IMG_1231I did make cupcakes for them.  Trigger enjoyed his…Campbell didn’t even know we had them.  I did make Matt a pound cake too!  I was busy baking that afternoon!IMG_1233

And, Miss Larkin was the reason why I couldn’t get a whole lot done!  This was her attitude all day.  Someone forgot to tell her that Valentines is a day of LOVE  and not fussiness!IMG_1181This was also her first time to wear an outfit that was bright colored…she has lived in kissy kissy and magnolia baby gowns/outfits.  It kind of made me sad to put her in a real outfit!IMG_1183

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