- Larkin lost weight while we were in the hospital which is completely normal. She weighed only 4lbs 8oz when we were discharged. She was our smallest baby to bring home. I think trigger was 4lbs 11oz when he was discharged. I think!!!

- Campbell calls larkin "la-lar" or "lar-lar". He's done that for the last couple of months and it's so sweet. Trigger did call her "warkin" but he can now say the "L". Trigger does still call Campbell, "camel"!

- I am nursing Larkin. It's so funny that I'm so anal about my children having to have breastmilk bc I always knew it was great and wanted to nurse but wasn't dead set on it...well now, it's a must! Funny how things change. While matt had Larkin in the recovery room, she kept trying to latch on to him. I had to nurse her immediately. She did good but that was the best that she did while we were in the hospital. She was pretty difficult to get her to wake up enough. We have now gotten the hang of it and she nurses great!!!

- I have a funny story about breastfeeding. Trigger had asked me several times while i was pregnant if Larkin was going to get mommys milk from my nipples...we call everything by the correct name. :) When I was about 5 months pregnant, matt came into our room after putting trigger to bed. He said that during their prayers, trigger had prayed for my milk and he prayed for "momma's nipples". Haha! I'm glad he was concerned about them! ;)

- Larkin was my first baby to get to hold so quickly. Besides a few seconds to take a picture right after delivery, I didn't get to hold trigger until he was a couple of hours (maybe three hours) old. I didn't get to even touch Campbell until he was 10 hours old. Both boys were in the NICU! Larkin was in the recovery room with us and it was so amazing to get to hold her so quickly!!!

- she was also our first baby to get to have in the room with us since the boys were in the nicu. That made this experience totally different! Don't get me wrong...we sent her back at night!!! I'm not stupid...it was my last couple of nights to get sleep between feedings! However, the nurses kept bringing her to us early...before the 3 hour mark...and telling me to feed her. They said and I quote "she's hard to console". Yay!!! Isnt that what you want to hear! Why not just tell us she's difficult...and you'll never be able to put her down! ;)

- we had to take Larkin back to the dr (which I will post about later) the day after we left the hospital (Tuesday) instead of waiting until she was a week. Her jaundice level was pretty high when we left the hospital so they felt it should be checked. And, they wanted her weight checked.
Below: I love this picture of the boys looking at Larkin! I just think it's precious!!!

- people keep asking me how the boys are doing with Larkin. They really are great. Trigger, like I've mentioned, is in love with her. Seriously! Campbell is really growing to love her. He is paying her alot more attention now!
Well! That's all for now!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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