The week before Larkin was born (which we didn't know at the time that it was the week before), I decided to take trigger on a little date. Matts mom came to get campbell for the morning and I took trigger to daylight donuts before I took him to school. When I tell you that he was excited, I am not lying. That child ate up the one on one attention. He was literally grinning from ear to ear. He kept telling me "momma, youre the best momma!". Honestly, it made me kind of sad. I mean im glad that he was happy but good grief. He is obviously missing out on some valuable one on one time. As I sat there consuming my donuts, I made a mental note to make it a priority to spend more quality time with him. At the time, our life was so chaotic with the house remodel...and me being very pregnant and tired that most days we were just going thru the motions. So, we will definitely try harder to spend more time with each child individually!!!! Especially if it involves me getting to eat donuts...ha!

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