Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Camera

I have been wanting a new camera for the last couple of years.  My old one was fine and took great pictures but I LOVE taking pictures so I always want a newer, better camera.  I can never justify spending the money on a new camera when my old one worked just fine.  However, Matt’s parents gave use money for Christmas and Matt suggested we use it to buy the camera that I have been wanting…LOVE HIM!  So, we did just that!!!  I absolutely love it.  Here are some pictures that I took with it the first few days that I had it!  Oh and Matt had gotten me a new lens for Christmas…he emailed Crystal Garcia to find out which one she would suggest.  I am going to have to practice a little to get used to it but Im pretty sure I’m going to LOVE taking pictures…especially of Larkin (because she’s still)…with it!IMG_0006IMG_0046IMG_0088IMG_0093IMG_0096IMG_0101IMG_0120IMG_0125Look at my sweet boys riding their truck!  LOVE those adorable dimples!IMG_0144IMG_0156

That last picture is a little scary…just giving me envisions of 15 years down the road!  YIKES!

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