Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mayday, mayday, mayday!!!!

Our ship is sinking!!!!
After we got home with Larkin, we had a rough first week stressing over trying to get Larkin to breastfeed...mainly stay awake enough to get what she needed. Weeks two and three, I felt as though we were getting in the grove of things. Then, week four entered the picture and the miss Larkin we knew went out the window and a fussy, inconsolable baby was left in her place. It had gotten so bad last weekend that she was only sleeping maybe 12 hours when she is suppose to be getting a minimum of 16. And, the kicker is that her awake time isn't happy...not just unhappy but wailing, screaming, never content. And my first thought was that she was spoiled...even though we had been doing a good job of putting her down and not just holding her. But, I quickly realized that she was not spoiled because she was wailing no matter who held her or what they were doing...even pacing the floor didn't help. She would just continue to cry!!! She's not even content after being fed. It's absolutely exhausting!!!!!!! An, on top of her screaming, we have two other children who are little and don't understand so they continue to fight and scream and cry as well. We did get some Zantac when we went for larkins 1 month. I can say that it has gotten a smidgen better. A teeny tiny bit. But, she's still not happy...pretty miserable actually! Honestly, I'm not happy about trying Zantac bc it never did a single thing to help our boys and they were nearly this bad! I've also cut out all dairy from my diet to see if maybe it's a milk allergy but I'm really thinking it's just acid reflux.
Pray for us. I'm tired. Matts working late from home and should really be at work. He's willing to help rock but I know he needs to work! So, i'll sit here and rock while Larkin screams and Matt works. And trigger plays in his bed. That child! I don't know what to do with him but that's a post for another day! Bless campbells little heart. He's the only one getting sleep around here!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:The Woodard ship

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