The first couple of weeks with Larkin home have gone pretty good. I’d be lying if I said it has been smooth sailing…and I’d also be lying if I said “no, I haven’t had a meltdown”. My meltdown really was not from being overwhelmed…believe me, that will come. This meltdown came on day or actually night #2. I was so tired. We had had an AWFUL first night with Larkin…like NO sleep. More on that in a minute. Anyway, I was just really sad because Campbell wouldn’t have anything to do with me. I knew that would happen because that’s just his personality. If he’s not completely getting his way, he wants nothing to do with the situation. I couldn’t pick him up (and I was holding this new baby) so he wanted NOTHING to do with me. Campbell has always been my baby. I don’t want anyone to think I don’t love Trigger because oh my word, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. However, Trigger has never been attached to me or Matt…he’s always been happy with whoever…I think mainly because I went back to work so quickly and grandparents kept him. Campbell has always been attached to me….maybe because I breastfed him for a year?!? I don’t know but I am the only one that put him down for bed…the one who got him up…who dealt with him during the middle of the night…the one who he ALWAYS wanted. He was a momma’s boy. Well, in a quick few minutes of a sweet baby being born, he changed. He is no longer attached! It just breaks my heart. So, that was my meltdown.
These are some pictures of the first week or two of us being home.
Trigger is soooo in love with Larkin. How sweet are these pictures…pure joy on Trigger’s face!
He went to get his “B” and paci because “Larkin needs it”
Abby and Sydney (and Aunt Karen) came to visit!
Larkin got her first bath.
Look at those wrinkled legs…such a skinny little girl. She’s starting to put on some weight and fill out!
Trigger and Campbell have played a lot in their playroom. I walked in their one day to find this…
Baby Jim has made a reappearance. AND, Trigger has done a good job taking care of Jim…and that includes checking his diaper.
He apparently did NOT smell well.
So he had to change it.
The other night the boys were having so much fun taking a bath. Larkin was asleep so I thought I would snap a few pictures.
At one point I decided that I probably should go check on Larkin…poor third child…she was screaming…tears and all!!!!!!! She survived! Then I stuck her between her clean brothers to take some pictures.
Trigger and Larkin’s feet. Larkin has very skinny and long feet. Maybe she will actually be able to wear Keds. Campbell’s feet have always been to chunky to fit into them!
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