Saturday, February 11, 2012


My Campbell…where do I start.  I love that boy so much.  I think I have a special place in my heart for him.  Don’t get me wrong…I soooo love my other two children.  BUT, I’m a middle child so I have a special love for middle children.  I’m not sure why I thought we were finished having children (before Larkin…because we are finished now) because Campbell soooo fits the middle child mold.  Let’s see if I can explain a little about Campbell and what’s going on in his little life right now. 

He is a boy of MANY, MANY expressions…facial expressions.  This isn’t something that has changed.  He has been like this from a very early age.  You do NOT have to wonder how Campbell is feeling about something because you will read it all over his face! 

He is a clown and is constantly making funny faces.


He LOVES his “mo” which means milk.  It’s so funny because for the first year of his life, we worried so much about his growth and weight…NOW, well lets just say that the boy is not lacking in the fat rolls.  His little legs are so chunky.  In fact, Matt and I comment all the time about how chunky they are.  The other day when I was changing Campbell’s diaper, Trigger squeezed Campbell’s leg and said “campbell, buddy, you have chunky, chunky legs”.  Oops!  I guess we need to stop talking about it so much.  I honestly don’t really know why he has gotten so chunky.  He really doesn’t eat that much….in fact, he doesn’t eat well at all.   He LOVES fruit and cheese and that is pretty much what he eats.  UNLESS he has the choice of fries because the boy does love his french fries!  :)

009Speech- he is just like Trigger…He is a little behind.  However, we have not started speech….the main reason being that I just can’t do two children in speech (plus T’s OT).  I’m going to give Campbell a little longer and see if his speech picks up.  If not, we will start speech.  He does spend a majority of the day pointing to things (toys, furniture, tools, etc.) and saying “daddy….daddy….daddy….daddy” and he will say it over and over again until you say “yes, that’s daddy’s” or “no, that’s…”   He has to know or identify the possession of every little thing!  It’s really cute but after hearing it all day, it gets a little old!  HA!  A few things that he says all the time: “Eeee” (eat), “Boooo” (boot), “me” (me- for Campbell), “mo” (milk), “side” (outside), “nooooah” (no), “tri-zher” (trigger), “La-lar” (larkin), “football” (football), “b” (B…that’s what we call our special blankets), “nack” (snack), “caar” (car), “Chee” (cheese), “ceewool” (cereal), “ree” (read), “bua” (book), “tee-tee”, “woo-wee” (woody)019Sleep- He still takes a two (sometimes three) hour nap in the afternoon.  I put the boys down around 1-1:30 every afternoon.  I don’t know the last time that he has missed a nap.  He likes to sleep now and I just lay him down and he falls asleep…so nice!!!  At night, we put him down around 7:30 and he sleeps until 7ish in the morning.  He sleeps with his alligator and his two “b”s but he doesn’t require them…they are just there…he doesn’t hold them or snuggle with them.  He still LOVES his two fingers and his hair.  When we watch him on the video, he almost always has his left hand in his hair.  In fact, since we have gotten the video, we have realized just how much he plays with his hair…I think it’s more of a comfort to him than sucking on his fingers!  Oh and the best (and my favorite) thing is that he still loves to snuggle…and is slow to wake up.  He wants to be held for awhile after he wakes up.  I LOVE IT!!!!!!025

Campbell LOVES bathtime!  After supper, he RUNS to the bathtub!  Before he takes a bath, he always tee-tees on the potty.  He has been doing this since he was about 15 months old…trigger did too!  Now, if Trigger tee-tees, Campbell comes running and pulls his shirt up and starts saying “tee-tee….tee-tee” and he usually gets mad if Trigger tee-tees before him!  Ha!031There is already major sibling rivalry.  Campbell adores Trigger and copies everything he does.  BUT, they are constantly yelling at each other.  Campbell is a funny little character.  We have always said that he doesn’t forgive easily.   We could always win Trigger over if he was mad about something…and you could always get a smile out of Trigger…Campbell is soooo not like that.  If you make him mad, he will be mad at you for awhile and want nothing to do with you!  In fact, Campbell wanted nothing to do with me for a couple of weeks after Larkin was born.  We soooo called that one!  He also has a little anger issue.  If he doesn’t get his way, WATCH out because something will be flying across the room!!!  We have to work on that!  And, he also yells at you…it’s kind of a cross between a yell and a growl…also got to work on that! ;)  When he gets mad, he doesn’t make sense either.  Here’s an example.

C: Mo…mo…mo (milk)  Me: momma will get you some milk in just a minute  C: yell/growl…throw something  Me: (discipline him) C: Cries and wants to be held (always wants to be held after getting in trouble) Me: let’s go get some milk (hand him milk)  C: Nooooooah (no) and try to hit the milk out of your hand!

So, you see, if he doesn’t get his way just the way he wants it, it’s all over…he will want nothing to do with the situation.  Bless his heart…we have got to work on that! Ha!039

We just thought that Trigger like shoes.  Oh my goodness…Campbell is obsessed!  and mainly with boots.  My parents got him the boots below and he doesn’t like to take them off.  One afternoon for nap, I just let him wear them…I didn’t feel like battling him about it!  Campbell especially loves his brother’s shoes.  He will go back to Trigger’s closet and get out one of his shoes and put it on.  Most of the time he is walking around with just ONE of Trigger’s shoes.  I don’t know why he doesn’t put them both on.IMG_1097The child LOVES to brush his teeth.  We often loose Campbell in the house.  About 99% of the time, he’s made his way to his bathroom, crawled up on the stool, gotten out his toothbrush and toothpaste, and is brushing his teeth.  The other day I found him in the pitch dark…like absolutely NO light anywhere on the boys end of the house…and he was brushing his teeth.   I guess it’s not the worst thing in the world!  At least he has clean teeth!

Below:  Campbell and Trigger got into Campbell’s backpack that was in his closet.  I keep yogurt melts and puffs in there for when we go out to eat.  Well, mr chunky found the yogurt melts and was just enjoying himself a “nack”.IMG_1101Excuse his closet…I still don’t really have it organized since we moved them about 2 weeks before I delivered Larkin!  Who knows when it will happen now!

Campbell LOVES, LOVES outside time…he would live outdoors.  It is a huge fight every time we get out of the car because he doesn’t want to go inside.  Campbell also loves to read.  He isn’t really interested in watching tv.  He pretty much loves to do whatever Trigger is doing!!

He is a champion at ignoring what you are saying…if you continue on and his ignoring isn’t working, he will try to change the subject by pointing somewhere else.


I can’t believe that this little boy will be two in 4 months.  It makes me sad.  He’s my baby boy…he can’t grow up this fast!  I just love him sooooooo much!!!  and I could just squeeze those legs all day long!

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