Okay…I have made it perfectly clear that I have not liked that Trigger has missed two months of school. I HATE it…he LOVES school and really thrives with the structure of it. Well, I was cooking supper one night and heard the boys in the playroom playing. It made me stop for a second and think. Even though I hate that he has been out of school this long, I really am so thankful that Trigger has been home (or at grandparents) with his brother. These two months have really strengthened their bond and friendship. Now they do still fight constantly. BUT, Trigger gets upset when Campbell wont come play with him and Campbell wants to constantly be right behind Trigger…copying everything his big brother does. I LOVE how they are playing together and developing a life long friendship. There is nothing sweeter!
The other night, the house was pretty quiet which is NEVER a good thing with little people. I went to look for the boys and found them in Campbell’s room. Trigger had gotten his pillows, B’s, C’s blanket, and some books. They were laying there reading together. So sweet!Trigger is really helpful when he wants to be. I have to say that Campbell calls the shots just as much as Trigger does. This night, Campbell wanted his boots on. Trigger picked up Campbell and put him on the bench. Then, he put Campbell’s boots on for him.
The only problem is that Campbell didn’t want his plain brown boots…he wanted his yellow/brown ones.
Oh wait…or did he want his yellow/brown ones???
Ummm…no, I guess he didn’t.
And that just did Campbell in…and he did what he does best, throw a fit (AND a cup). Poor Trigger was just trying to help!
Seriously though, I am ready for Trigger to go back to school but soooo thankful for the time he has had with Campbell!!! Campbell is sure going to miss Trigger when he’s gone to school!!!