Tuesday, June 30, 2009


i'm feeling a little blah today...i'm not sure why but i am! i wish i could get motivated to do something because there is sooo much to be done. and school will be here before we know it...oh no, that makes me feel even more blah because that means no more of my SAHM dream world!
so yesterday i had to go to the dr...had blood drawn and we all know how that goes for me...NOT GOOD! actually, i behaved very well. they are testing me to see what my numbers are for Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome. i have been tested since pregnancy (around december, i believe) and I was still very positive. while i was at the dr, i found out that i also have MTHFR (which stands for something VERY long). basically, its a genetic disorder that causes me to not be able to produce enough folic acid and somehow it also is associated with blood clotting....WHAT? do i really need another blood clotting disease???? I mean how many blood clotting disorders can one person have? anyway, so now i have APS and MTHFR and Hypertension...so, needless to say, I will be a HIGH risk case when we decide to have another baby. the dr also made sure to tell us that we would definitely deliver prematurely again and were lucky to have held off until 34 weeks last time! its just a little aggrevating to me that i have to deal with all these issues. (don't get me wrong...i do know there are alot of people that have way more problems that i do) at one point the dr said we just don't know much about this disorder because it's so new and not researched and we don't know what long term treatments should be. RIGHT NOW the treatment is to take baby asprin UNTIL you have a blood clot, THEN they will put you on real blood thinners....CRAZY to me. i guess im just having a down day...things will get better! im starting my folic acid this afternoon (and apparently LACK of folic acid can mess with your moods...so i'm thinking that after today's dose, i should be on cloud nine...haha) AND, as soon as Trigger gets up from his nap and gives me a hug, i will feel 100 times better. ANNNNDDDD, we are going to super one and while we're out i'm going to get a SWEET TEA from McD's....THAT should definitely put a smile on my face.
in other news, Trigger was 11 months old yesterday!!!!! I can't believe it. He's getting sooo big and sooooooo heavy! He is into everything! He is crawling everywhere and FAST. He has developed a sweet (most of the time) personality. However, he has moments when he gets sooo mad. In fact, if you take something away from him, he will bite whatever is closest to his mouth (my hand, his fingers, etc.) so we are going to have to work on those little rage issues :)...because of course my child has to learn how to "use his words" since I preach it ALL day long at school.
Here is a newborn picture of Trigger and a current picture of him...my, oh my, hasn't he grown!


Chasten said...

He has grown! I will need to know the syptoms of the new blood clotting thing.... A list on the back of the closet door at school will do. I am having a "blah" day too!!

Amanda said...

Hey! I hope you are having a better day today...glad y'all had fun at the beach.

Catherine A said...

Hey Garson, I have elevated cardio lipin antibodies and an elevated homocystein level which are both along the same lines of what you are talking about. I take an aspirin a day, a prescription folic acid and when I was pregnant with David I had to do two blood thinning shots (In my stomach, ouch!) a day. He was delivered early and I was most certainly high risk. I went to the doctor every week and had an ultrasound almost every week (insurance loved that!) All this to say, I'll be interested to know what all you find out about your disorder and if you ever have any questions, shoot me an email. I need to go back for a check up but I keep putting it off :) Catherine Asher