Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I am LOVING that I do NOT have to get up and do anything. However, we have had something to do everyday. It's still nice to have so much time with Trigger. And, SOOOO nice to be able to get laundry done and bottles cleaned...all the normal everyday stuff is so easy when you have all day instead of a couple of hours at night! I'm LOVING IT!!!!! This is NOT going to be a good deal come August!
I thought I would attach some pictures of Trigger's newest favorite thing to do. He LOVES to go into our pantry and DESTROY it. He pulls everything out...knocks the 2Liters over and rolls them all over the kitchen. It's nice to have him occupied while I clean or cook but a mess to clean up.

Now, off to work (in my house). I've got tons to do around here. I really need to work on our office. We just moved some things around and it needs some MAJOR work. AND, this Friday just so happens to be "Show us your house Friday: office edition"...GREAT! YEP...better get movin! Hope you have a great Wednesday.

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