Monday, June 22, 2009

Photo Session

I just got this bubble back from being monogrammed and I LOVE IT! And, the white sandals just completes the sweet little boy look! I won't be able to dress him like this much longer so I am taking COMPLETE advantage of it. However, I did have a lady at the DMV ask me, "How old is she?" and I told her politely that he was a boy. She responded, "Well, he shouldn't be!" Hmmm...some people just don't have a mental filter! He is beautiful...or at least we think so! But, we have people call him a girl ALL the time..even when he has on a navy/green outfit with a frog on the front! I mean would a girl really be wearing an outfit like that? He may look beautiful but he is ALL boy (rough and tough and VERY clumsy)! Here are some pictures from todays photo session.

I think I've already said this lately but I am LOVING being out of school and spending my days with Trigger!!!!! It's awesome!!!!!

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