Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Oh so itty bitty!

It's late so not saying much. I just came across this picture that Matt had taken on his cell phone while we were at LSUS. THIS IS THE LABOR ROOM that I LABORED IN! This is where I spent from July 27 (Sun) night through all day July 28th IN LABOR...then, they decided to take me off the drip and stop my contractions and I got to go back to my PLUSH (HAHA) room for Monday night. They came and got me at 430-5ish to take me back to a room just like this to labor for another 14ish hours. Saying these rooms were tiny would be a HUGE understatement. HUGE! They were more like a closet. I guess LSU hasn't heard of making the women feel like they are laboring at home with the nice "wood" floors and the home-like furniture! NOPE...and to top it off. It was so hot in there that my parents had to go by me a fan because theirs were all being used. Just thought you might like to get a glimpse of what LSU is like. GREAT medical care but NOT plush by any stretch of the imagination!

PS. forgot to mention that this is not the delivery room. When you make it to 10, you are wheeled across the hall. They make you move from the gurney that you labored on to a sterile metal table...YES, you heard me right...Like I said, NOT plush conditions! Maybe next time around we will be at a different hospital!

1 comment:

Laura Terzia Bankston said...

Oh my! That is so wrong in every way possible. And seriously, a sterile metal table?? Awful:(