Thursday, June 25, 2009

Our Master Bedroom/2nd Day of Vaca


This is our Master Bedroom..not going to say much because I'm ready to talk about our trip!

We survived our second day of vacation and our FIRST day (or really hour) on the beach. I say survived because things haven't been just peachy around here! Trigger fussed and stirred alot last night...strange place, in a pack-n-play, and it was a tad too cold...all things working against us!!!! Sooo...he was cranky first thing this morning. We fed him and put on his swimsuit AND lathered him up with a gallon of sunscreen. AND, we headed down to the beach. If you read my post from yesterday, you already know that Trigger HATES the sand (which is just perfect since my dad now owns this condo ON THE BEACH! haha!!! Anyway, we decided to just put him in a blow-up baby pool on the beach. He loves bathtime so SURELY he would love the baby pool on the beach...ummm....NOPE! I think the water was a little too cold! WHAT kind of child am I raising here? I would say he is a little high maintenance...haha! He gets it honest...from his daddy...haha, just kidding! He finally warmed up to the baby pool for a few minutes but then got fussy because it was his morning naptime. We headed back up to the room after only being out on the beach for MAYBE 45 minutes (glad I spent the time to put the sunscreen on him) and gave Trigger a bath and put him down for a nap. He slept hour and half nap! GREAT!!! Fed him his bottle and lunch. Then we left for the outlet mall and all you know what broke loose! OH MY...he was fine in his stroller as long as we were moving and we were outside. Take the boy inside a store and he was UNHAPPY! Typical man, wouldn't you say? Needless to say, we didn't spend long at the mall. He fell asleep in the car but woke as soon as we got back to the condo! Afternoon nap cut you know what that equals? You guess it...A VERY, VERY cranky afternoon, evening, and night! I was seriously, seriously doubting our choice to bring him on vacation. How are you now you ask? Glad you asked... Trigger is now asleep and I'm laid up on the couch with my computer and ALL is well in my world! Ask me again around 10 when he decides is ready to get up, and the answer maybe a little different! haha! Ok, this has been WAY too much talking...on to the pictures if blogspot will work!
Wait...I forgot to mention that tonight (despite the fussiness) we went back out to the beach to take a few more photos...i have a sickness when it comes to photography...really, i do! BUT, Trigger started tollerating the sand. At first he would touch the sand and then act like a spider was on him. By the end of the photo session, he was trying to pick things up out of the sand...still not too sure about it but definitely progress! AND, he LOVED, LOVED watching the water. We sat him down by the water and he just smiled!!!

BTW, these pictures are NOT a good indication of the way he behaved today!


Patricia @ ButterYum said...

Great room... love the colors!

Queen Bee said...

Beautiful little man you have! I have 2 myself. We are heading to florida the first of august with our 8 month old. Vacationing with kids, it's tough!

Ashley said...

What a darling little guy you have!!! Thank you for sharing, you have a beautiful home and family!