Thursday, June 11, 2009

Our Bathrooms

Once again I am participating in...

This is our bathroom. I love how we have french doors leading into our master bath. The bathtub is on the right and then the shower. If you kept going, you would walk into our closet. I meant to shut the door because it looks like a tornado came through there!!!! In fact, not sure I have the energy to participate in the closet week.

This is our vanity. Do you see the not Trigger left for Matt on his side of the mirror with his precious handprint...BTW, not easy to do handprint things with a baby...I've tried several times and have yet to succeed. Have to tell this story...for Mother's day, I went and bought a white 6x6 tile to put Trigger's handprint on (we do that at school for our children to give to their mom's). I thought it would be great to have his handprint from each Mother's day and I thought I would put them inside our pantry so I could see his hand growing over the years! So, I decided one night RIGHT before bath and bed that I would attempt this project...STUPID!!! Definitely not my brightest mom moment! You have to use acrylic paint so it will stick...I probably don't even have to tell you more, you probably could imagine the rest. First, I put him in his high chair thinking that it would keep him comfined...pretty smart, right? Well, I painted his hand and he immediately took his other hand and smeared the paint together on BOTH hands. THEN, he touched his face, the highchair, ME, and anything else. WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!!!! I was thinking....I wanted my precious baby's handprint...Well, I have it but as soon as I put his hand down, he smeared it on the tile so not the best. BUT IT's GOING UP IN THE CLOSET...I WORKED HARD FOR THAT SMEARED MASTERPIECE!!! Oh..and the blue paint stained the tray on the highchair and is just now gone away after many washings! and did I mention that Matt was not here!Sorry...back to the tour

Bathtub and the tile around the bathtub.

The door on the left of the picture is our toilet room. It's tiny!

Trigger's Bathroom. I love how there is only one wall of wall paper and the rest is painted blue. This wallpaper would be a little overwhelming if it were on every wall. This is a shot from the doorway...looking at the vanity. Through the door straight ahead is the shower/tub and toilet.

Wall opposite of the vanity. I love this picture of Trigger and the frame/matting.

I was standing in the toilet/tub room and this is looking back at the door to the hall.

This is behind the door to the toilet area. Look at Trigger's little's actually Corbin's (my nephew) that he's letting us borrow. And, I have only put it on him once but I think it's cute hanging up there.

Trouble, my dog, actually lives in our bathroom but I moved her out for the pictures. I didn't take a picture of her whole box (she lives in a box because she has a bladder control problem...always has...and SHE hikes her legs on furniture...thought I should explain so I don't get ugly emails) because it's gross and ugly...but, here's my first baby. She's 13.5 years old. And, they told us she wouldn't live past FIVE..haha...she showed them. See her cataracts.

I had to share this picture of Matthew. My sister, Deanna, gave me a Sudoku game for my birthday. I love see I'm not smart enough to play the real one so I play the COLOR version...HELLO...I do teach PRE-KINDERGARTEN so this is right up my alley! I asked Matt if he would like to play it...of course, it's not really his thing and would probably dominate the REAL one but he said he would do one card. It actually took him longer than I expected...of course he was a little distracted by a movie that was on tv.

And a few of my precious Trigger in my fav outfit!!! I know yall probably think I'm cruel for taking pictures of him crying but it's always when he's not getting his way (he's not hurting!) and he's sooo dang cute even with his crying face!


Lesli said...

Very nice and "big" bathrooms!! I love the blue in trigger's bathroom! he is so adorable!! Have a great weekend!

Lori said...

Love your master is so big and pretty! I noticed the Ruston sign in the 2nd you live in Ruston, La? If so, I live about 20 minutes from you!

Ashley said...

I love your bathrooms!!! the blue in your sons bathroom is sooo cute! Your son is also adorable!!! Thank you for sharing.

auDi tHis woRld said...

LOVE the outfit Trigger is wearing in the picture in his bathroom! ;-)

Catherine A said...

I can't believe that Trouble is still causing Trouble, ha ha! Do you remember that we house sat for you guys when she was just a new little puppy? She wet every morning before we could get her out even though we were getting up at 5 am! Those were fun times taking care of all of the Hood dogs! Catherine Asher