Monday, June 8, 2009

My favorite outfit

I am a sucker for searsucker outfits. I absolutely LOVE THEM! As soon as we found out that we were having a boy, I just knew that I had to have this outfit but they didn't have the size I wanted here in Ruston. Liz found it at another store and surprised me with it at a shower. As I have said before, my family LOVES baseball. So this was a perfect outfit. And I love how the baseball patch is vintage looking!

This week we have VBS. I was actually suppose to leave 5 minutes ago to be there but Trigger is asleep and I really do not want to wake him...especially since he won't get his normal morning nap because he will be too busy watching other babies! I am working in Pre-K crafts so should be alot of fun. Off to call my other workers to tell them I will be late! :(

1 comment:

jessie said...

i love the pic of trigger crying! too cute!