Thursday, June 18, 2009

My OH so TINY laundry room!

The laundry room is oh so tiny...not even sure you can call it a "room". If I could change one thing about this house, it would be to make the laundry room an ACTUAL room with a sink and storage. Also, it would not be right inside the back door. I think if I had it my way, I would have a small mud room right by the back door and a laundry ROOM by the bedrooms. Never understood why they put laundry rooms so far from the bedrooms.

Since there are not many pictures of our laundry room, I thought I would show you a few pictures of some other things. First, if you read my entry ( a few weeks ago about my last pumping session, I mentioned that I had two freezers outside full of milk. I wanted to show you the pictures I took a few weeks ago. MINUS THE FROZEN PIZZA, they have nothing but breastmilk in them. AND, Trigger is 10.5 months old so he will get breastmilk for awhile!!!!

Today, Trigger's Izzy brought Abby and Sydney to come visit and play for a little while. They had fun. Trigger wasn't sure about others playing with his toys. He's going to have to learn to share! :)

AND, last but I think the BEST part of the post, pictures from tonight. Trigger LOVES to "play"...more like DESTROY...the pantry. I don't always let him but when I am in need of a few quiet seconds then I let him have at it!! Well, tonight Matt and I were busy cleaning up and I looked over and he had gotten the box of Cheerios and opened the box up AND WAS EATING THEM...Now, he had just eaten and was not hungry so don't feel too sorry for him! I thought it was hilarious though and before I took the box away, I took a million pictures of him (like any good mom would do of course)! P.S. We usually do not just let him roam around without clothes on but he was on his way to get a bath! I know he looks pure redneck with no clothes and eating out of the cereal box while sitting on the floor. We do have a little couth.

Hope you have a good weekend!


Heather said...

I love your laundry space, gotta love cabinets above the washer and dryer! My laundry room is not big either, stink! Thanks for sharing!

Megan said...

i'm cracking up at all that breast milk! you must be a machine! i just threw out the 60+ oz i had left a little over a month ago. it's so hard to throw out what you end up not using!

Kristin said...

Hi. I just found your blog through Kelly's Korner and I couldn't help but laugh at all your breast milk!!I completely understand! At one point we were unable to buy any frozen food at the store b/c our freezer was full of milk!! I am a little better now (I actually dump some-and it's painful to watch it go down the drain!) but I know there is no way my daughter will drink it in time before it goes bad! hehe...well anyway Trigger is adorable! He has such a cute little smile!! Trigger & my daughter are around the same age-10 months! :)

Helen Joy said...

I woke up today with an email from a friend who also reads Kelly's Korner, with a link to your blog! I probably would have found it myself anyways. But my goodness! You deserve a medal for pumping all that milk! Seriously, that is awesome. I am a photographer and have a 10 hour wedding tomorrow and I have zero oz pumped. It's going to be a long night. Thanks for sharing your cute laundry room and your wealth of milk:-)