Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Havin a Momma that's a Teacher!

Poor Trigger...having a momma that's a teacher is probably going to be rough on him! Tonight I was trying to clean up his closet when I noticed that we still had a stack of pregnancy know, the ones they give you EVERYTIME you go for a checkup (and I went to the dr. alot so I have a ton)! I put them in a stack on Trigger's floor to remind myself to throw them away. Well Trigger immediately attacked them...imagine that! The boy has toys but chooses to play with everything but his toys. So, being the good Pre-K teacher that I am, I thought, "hmmm, it's never too early to start working on those fine motor skills...LETS TEAR SOME PAPER!" so we commenced! He LOVED it...he worked so hard to tear those magazine pages. You will notice in the pictures that he had a stash of little pieces in his left hand. He kept trying to secretively eat the stash..haha! (CHASTEN: I'm trying my hardest....he will have used scissors by the time you get him too!)

Then, "Uncle" Gabe came to pick Matt up for CORPS. It usually takes Trigger a little while to warm up to people even if he knows them. Tonight, as soon as he saw Gabe, he took off. He crawled so fast over to Gabe...acted as if his long lost friend had come over to play with him. It was so precious! Trigger even tried to share his "stash" with him. I'm sure Gabe appreciated that.

1 comment:

Chasten said...

I'm glad to know that you are letting him tear paper. Way to go for taking time to have those "teachable" moments!! haha Maybe he can graduate to scissors next week. It looks like he tears really well. I will go ahead and give him a check + on his report card!!!