Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I'm Sorry!

I must have to start by saying, "I'm sorry, Save the Sparta people". I have had this swimming pool thing for Trigger since the beginning of summer.
Ours is like this one but in a square shape.
I decided to try it out yesterday. I opened the box fully prepared to have to blow up the ring around the outside. Well...lucky me (not so lucky for our water bill) I don't have to blow it because it hooks up to the water hose and the water fills up the ring. The great thing about it (and I knew Trigger would love this) is that it sprays water up. However, this thing wastes alot of water!!!
At first, when I put Trigger down, he was frozen like this.

Then, he decided that the cold water wasn't sooooo bad and he started splashing and having a good time.

This picture below reminds me sooo much of Seth (my brother). His expression and shape of his face looks so much like him. ANNNDDD, of course the blonde hair and blue eyes helps a little too!

I posted on FB about trying to decide which carseat to purchase for Trigger. After lots of input, we decided to order the Britax Marathon. It came in today and we are going to install it tonight. I am soooo excited. I just really think Trigger is going to be more comfortable in his new seat! From what I can tell so far, this seat is a very sturdy, well made seat!!!
Off to go get Trigger...he's already waking up from his afternoon nap...WHAT? it's only been 45 minutes...he must have forgotten that this nap is scheduled for TWO HOURS....guess he didn't check the calendar before going down...hahaha!!!!

1 comment:

Nora said...

I love these pictures. He made me laugh when I saw the first one!