Friday, July 3, 2009



This is our garage in all it's glory! NOT A PRETTY SIGHT! We desperately need a shop for all this junk but that's not happening for awhile. So for now, we have a cramped space. Sorry...I did NOT clean it up before the pictures!

And, YES, we have two freezers and one refrigerator/freezer in our GARAGE...we are true rednecks...BUT, to our defense, the only reason we have the two freezer is for breastmilk storage and the upright one is still COMPLETELY full (and Trigger is 11 months old!)!!!

Today, Friday, has been an AWESOME day. Matt didn't have to work today so we had a fun day together. Matt went to his small group at 5:30 and brought a sausage and cheese biscuit back home for me...MAN, I have got to stop eating sooo much! Especially since I have to fit in a bridesmaids dress in about 3 weeks!!!! After breakfast, Trigger had a nap. Then, Matt, Trigger, and I went to eat at JOHNNY's...I LOVE ME SOME JOHNNY'S PIZZA...again, I need to stop eating like that! Then, I went to get a MUCH needed haircut. I would have taken a picture with the webcam but I can't seem to get it to work. Dana did an awesome job cutting was a complete mop before...for some reason haircuts are at the bottom of the priority list these days! When I got home, Trigger was napping. Mrs. Arva came to clean the house...LOVE, LOVE having someone come clean my house. Matt, T, and I went to monroe to buy some picture frames. Did I mention that I ordered two large canvas prints that I had taken of Trigger in the last couple of months. They came in today and looked like a professional (not because of the photography but bc of the quality of the canvas) picture! I ordered the pictures Tuesday night and they came in fast! They were WAY cheaper than getting professional to take and print them. I love them and we now have pictures on a couple of walls. YAY! So, I took a couple of pictures of them on the wall. My favorite is the one in the dining room. By the way, I desperately need a photo editing program. Does anyone have any suggestions on which one to buy?

Matt, T, and I had supper. Last, we went outside to ride the four-wheeler. Trigger LOVES to ride it...I know that's horrible that we take him on the four-wheeler but Matt doesn't drive fast.

I hope you have a great 4th of July. Check back soon because I am sure that I will post some pictures from Trigger's first July 4th! I realized today that this is his LAST first holiday. Kind of baby is growing up too fast!


2kwfoster said...

I love Photoshop Elements. That's what I have and love it. You can get in for about $70.00, someplaces a little cheaper online.
Great Pictures by the way!

StephMilton said...

Where did you order the canvas' from? They look really good.

Max and Faith LOVE the 4 wheeler too. Max dives out of my arms for it as soon as he sees it.

Catherine A said...

We use Aperture. Love it! I want to know where you got the canvas' also, I'm interested in ordering some.