Tuesday, October 5, 2010

SICK, sick, SICK!

Okay…so we have been under the weather around here.  Let me just give you a rundown.

Wednesday: Campbell woke up really stopped up and having a hard time breathing…I watched him all day.

Thursday: Campbell didn’t have a great night Wednesday night so I decided to take him to the doctor.  Dr. Slusher says it’s a virus…no medicine.

Friday: Trigger wakes up with congestion.  I watch him all day and continue to care for Campbell who is very fussy!

Saturday: Campbell was having a rough morning.  Trigger was still sick.  We took both to the doctor…Dr. Daher said that Trigger had the same virus, no change in Campbell, and both boys’ ears were clear…we did get a decongestant for Trigger

Sunday: Campbell was doing better; Trigger started playing again.  THEN, around 4pm, I happened to feel Trigger and he was BURNING UP.  Checked his temp and it was 101.9…so I dosed him with some Tylenol.

Sunday NIGHT: We put both boys down at 7:30ish.  10:00- Campbell woke and wanted to be fed…STARVING..why? I had just fed him?  soooo…I nursed him and put him back down.  12:30- Campbell wanted to be fed again-  WHY?  I had JUST fed him?  I nursed him and put him back down.  I had to go ahead and pump afterwards because I was in HIGH hopes that I would not need to nurse him again until the morning!  I got in bed around 2:00 because after pumping, I went to check on Trigger and his temp.  He seemed to be fine. 2:00- Go to sleep.  2:30- Trigger wakes up….dirty diaper (which never happens at night but bc he was sick, it did)…changed his diaper, gave him more medicine, and put him back in bed.  In bed around 3:15.  4:30- My little peanut is hungry AGAIN.  I nurse him and put him back in bed.  This was a quickie and I was back in bed around 5:00.  6:00- Trigger wakes up screaming…SCREAMING!!!  I go get him…and PUT HIM IN BED WITH US!  I never, ever do that…so you know I had to be tired.  He slept some…I awoke to Matt yelling at me from the shower.  Trigger had gotten out of bed, gone into the kitchen, gotten one of his cups, opened the fridge, tore! open the egg carton, grabbed two eggs, and proudly brought them back to show Matt!  YAY!  Anyway, I roll out of bed and rescue the eggs!  and decide that SOMEONE had got to go to the doctor.

Monday: I get Trigger some milk and let him sit in our bed and watch tv.  Matt and I tried to give Trigger his decongestant and he gagged and threw it and the milk up all over Matt.  YAY!  SOMEONE Is DEFINITELY going to the doctor. 


Matt leaves.  I make an appt for Trigger with Dr. Daher because Dr. Slusher is out on Mondays.  Trigger’s temp was high I could tell but he refused any and all medication…not surprising after the throw up experience!  The whole time I was getting ready, he laid down on the floor or where ever I was…completely sad…and if you read this blog, you KNOW that’s NOT our normal Trigger.  I dress him and he shivers the whole time and wants a jacket on.  I dressed him in what he wanted to wear.  I leave Trigger by our chair in the den…laid over on it not moving.  Load Campbell in the car to go to Izzy’s house.  Come back to get Trigger and he’s still laid over on the chair.  We drop Campbell off and Trigger cried most of the way to Green Clinic because he wanted “Camel”.  We get to our appt ON TIME (amazing!) at 10:15 and sign in.  We got called back…and told that she is 45 minutes behind schedule.  GREAT!  Trigger is weapy…pitiful…oh so pitiful!  I hold him walk around the room while holding him while he just laid on me.  I told him to close his eyes and rest.  He fell asleep in seconds.  YALL, this was a little scary to me.  I don’t think the child has fallen asleep in my arms since he was a little baby.  Seriously, he never lets me hold him long enough!!! 

Trigger-sick at dr Trigger-sick at dr with me Anyway, he slept for about 30 minutes until he heard Dr. Daher’s voice.  He cried the entire time she was in there.  She checked him out and said he had a slight ear infection…so funny after she bragged on my breastfeeding an how healthy their ears were.  Anyway, since he was refusing medicine, they had to give him a tylenol suppository because his fever was at 102 and she wanted it down!  Out the door with our prescription.  I headed home to pump. Matt went and got meds and Campbell and met us at home…isn’t he wonderful!  Trigger did not nap…he was sick, sick, sick.  I pretty much held him all day.  His fever would go down to 100.8 or so and when medicine wore off, it would shoot right back up…it was at 103.2 yesterday evening!!!  We put the boys to bed.  They were both screaming by 10:00.  I fed Campbell and Matt went and laid down with Trigger.  12:30- Fed Campbell again; checked on my boys (Matt and Trigger) who were both sound asleep in Trigger’s bed.  Woke up to Trigger crawling in bed at 5:30ish, I think.  Matt said he had been awake since 4:00

Tuesday: We had a rough morning. Thankfully, Liz skipped her bible study to come help me.  She basically cared for Campbell while Trigger clung to me!  I did get Trigger to take about an hour nap this morning.  Finally this afternoon, he started to play. 

This is the sickest that I have ever seen Trigger…

I am hoping and praying for a good night from both of my boys…Matt and I ( AND THE BOYS) need some rest.

1 comment:

Emery Wilkerson said...

So sorry ya'll have been sick. Hoping ya'll are on the mend!!!