Friday, October 29, 2010

Our newest family member

At the moment, my heart is heavy…I had several phone calls this afternoon which were all giving me this information: A CC student was killed today after being hit by a truck.  My heart sunk.  How could this precious little girl’s life be gone?  How are these parents going to move forward?  If that were me in their shoes, HOW could I go on? I truly know that God doesn’t give us more that we can handle…I KNOW THAT with all my heart!  But, I just can’t fathom what they must be feeling right now.  It’s a loss that I hope I never have to experience!  Please pray for this family with me…that they will know God’s peace, that they can be comforted a little by their family and friends, and that they can one day find a new normal as they move forward without their precious girl.

Ok…I hate to start out this post with such sad news but that’s what is on my heart. 

My little brother, Seth, and his wife, Vanna, had their first baby last Wednesday.  After a long, long day of labor for Vanna, she had to have a csection.  Milton “Reid” Hood was born around 9:30 on 10/20/10 (smart!  should be easy birthday to remember).  He was 7lbs 1oz. and 19 inches long.  Reid came out with a head full of BLONDE hair…and by “a head full” I mean THE MOST HAIR that I have ever seen on a baby…or at least the MOST blonde hair that I have seen on a baby.

Okay…so I know you want to see a picture of this BEAUTIFUL baby boy…and I do mean BEAUTIFUL…he’s absolutely BEAUTIFUL…sorry, I just can’t emphasize it enough!

One more thing, Seth got to bring Reid out of the operating room for us to see him.  I have NEVER seen such a joyful expression on Seth’s face.  He was just lit up!!!  Such a proud daddy!!!

Here are the pictures…just kindof in order of how things happened.

Reid's Birth 029 Reid's Birth 033 Reid's Birth 040 Reid's Birth 042 Reid's Birth 044 Reid's Birth 059 Reid's Birth 066Reid's Birth 089

Seth’s big toe…Trigger has it too!

 Reid's Birth 107 Look at all that hair

Reid's Birth 113 Reid's Birth 119 Reid's Birth 125 Reid's Birth 128 Reid's Birth 129 Trigger and Campbell- Saturday fun 034 Trigger and Campbell- Saturday fun 040 Trigger and Campbell- Saturday fun 041 Trigger and Campbell- Saturday fun 045 Isn’t he absolutely BEAUTIFUL!  And the sad part is that my clan have been under the weather with yucky noses (me included) so I haven’t been able to hold him yet.  We are all better so I am thinking in the next couple of days, I am going to have to go cuddle with that sweet baby…that’s if I can pry him from his momma’s hands! :)

Oh and he looks just like Seth to me! ;)

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