Saturday, October 30, 2010

My, My Campbell…

You have been a BUSY man!!!  You are up to so much these days that I thought you needed your own post…don’t worry, Trigger found his way into some pictures too!

  • You prefer to still be held ALL day by me.  Occasionally, you will play independently but you prefer to cuddle!  I do hold you alot and not only because you prefer it but because it’s for your own safety with Trigger around!  Haha.  This is pretty sad but Liz and I were comparing your measurements to your Uncle Lance’s when he was  your age.  Zizzy thinks You are long and lanky like Uncle Lance was.  Well, while she was looking it up, she mentioned that Uncle Lance sat up for the first time right before he turned 5 months.  DING DONG…A question mark went off in my head…have I even TRIED to see if you can sit up…NOPE!!!!  Well, I got off the phone and tried…YOU can sit up.  I can’t say that I am have been very strong and active from day 1!  And, you have a petite little head so that helps you out to not have a heavy head!

Matt, Trigger, and Campbell 062Matt, Trigger, and Campbell 065 Matt, Trigger, and Campbell 071 Matt, Trigger, and Campbell 084

I thought these pictures were sweet…some are blurry but are so precious to me! Matt, Trigger, and Campbell 095 Matt, Trigger, and Campbell 103 Matt, Trigger, and Campbell 110 Matt, Trigger, and Campbell 111 Matt, Trigger, and Campbell 117 I know this somehow just got off on Trigger but do  you see the images below.  Trigger is dancing to a yo gabba gabba guitar.  Take a good look BECAUSE that guitar is about to find it’s way to Rolling Hills.  ANNOYING!!!Matt, Trigger, and Campbell 126 Matt, Trigger, and Campbell 130

  • You are still being fed EVERY three hours during the day.  I am breastfeeding you except for a nighttime bottle before you go down.  I have tried to stretch you out but YOU ARE obviously A HUNGRY, GROWING BOY!  At night, you go for a few days of doing GREAT and will sleep for 12 hours.  THEN, you will wake every three hours STARVING.  We are working on letting you just cry during the night when you wake up.  Last night, you woke up around 12 and I knew you weren’t hungry so we let you cry …it lasted for about 10 minutes and you fell back to sleep and slept until 8:15 this morning.  Oh and we put you down at about 7:45 every night.
  • Just like your big brother, your teeth have decided to make an early appearance.  AFTER, TONS of drooling and LOTS of fussiness AND NOT good nights, You had your lower right tooth come in on October 12th.  Then, we had a few good days and the drooling, fussiness, and not good nights started AGAIN.  Your lower left tooth came in on October 20th.   It will be interesting to see which tooth will come in next.  If you follow Triggers (AND MY) pattern, you will get your top FANG teeth…which would NOT be the correct order to get your teeth.  HAHA!  Here’s a picture of those pearly whites.  Guess we need to start brushing them…

Halloween- 2010 203

  • Another thing you have accomplished lately is that you have found your feet.  Again, I am not real sure when this started…because you aren’t down much!  Shhhh…’ll just pick a date for the baby book…

Campbell found feet AND Shop progress 018 Campbell found feet AND Shop progress 023


  • You are now wearing 6 month clothes but only because you are so long….shirts are too short on you and your toes are at the end of pjs.  It won’t be long before you have to move to 9 month clothes.  I really don’t like this because your clothes look kind of funny on you because they are baggy….really a foreign concept for us short and squatty people!  :)
  • We are LOVING every minute with you…everything is just going by too quickly.  I don’t remember this part going by so quickly with Trigger.  Your brother loves you soooo much even though he is continuously hurting you!

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