Sunday, October 3, 2010

Not much to say..

Both boys are sick with a virus…Trigger now has fever…it was 101.4 before bedtime.  Soooo…we’ve just been laying low this weekend.  I started to develop some of the symptoms Friday afternoon and still feel yuck.  So with that being said, the few pictures that I have taken have not been uploaded to my computer.  I do have a few pictures though. 
The first is a picture of the Pioneer Woman cinnamon rolls that I made FROM scratch.  This was my first attempt at making a bread type food (something that has to rise) from scratch.  It really wasn’t that difficult (the hard part was that I had Campbell in my arms most of the time) and they were sooooo yummy!!!!

Sick Boys 041Sick Boys 042 Notice that in the bottom picture, there is already a cinnamon roll missing…they were just so yummy that I couldn’t wait another minute!  OH and they have MAPLE icing…sooo GOOD!!

Then, I wanted to share a picture of something I see every night.  It is one of the things I love the most…Matt and Trigger rocking and reading books.  Before Campbell was born, I had a friend tell me that the first child becomes Daddy’s child and the second becomes Momma’s child.  Sadly, I feel like this has sort of happened especially at night time.  I give Campbell a bath, diaper, give bottle, and put down for the night while Matt is in charge of bathing, clothing, reading, and putting Trigger down.  Occasionally, I get to read to Trigger but most of the time it is Matt.  Trigger loves to read books!!!  And, I love to go back to our room and listen through the monitor at their conversations.  Such precious memories!

Sick Boys 045 And because I can’t make a post without showing you something that Trigger has done…He likes to throw things in Campbell’s bed.  Thankfully, he hasn’t thrown anything in there while Campbell is in there…or at least I didn’t know about it. We do keep a child safety lock on the outside of Campbell’s door so if Campbell is in bed, Trigger can’t get to him.  I can ONLY imagine what he would do!

Anyway, this is what I found the other night when I went to put Campbell in his bed.

Sick Boys 043 Oh and Matt just reminded me of two more things that we LOVE to here Trigger say:

“Difway” for This Way; “Up-he” for Up Here

I absolutely love to hear him talk!

1 comment:

Heather Patterson said...

Um, YUMM! I want that recipe! ;) I love me some cinnamon rolls! My Nana use to make them ALL the time for me growing up!! :) Hope ya'll are feeling better today! Let me know if there's anything I can do!