Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A few random pictures

Trigger still loves his boots but here lately, this is what he’s been doing…don’t you love it!  I guess he just can’t decide which boot is better!

Sick Boys2 010 One of the days that Trigger was sick, he woke up early.  Matt got him and put him in bed with me.  It had been a rough night so I was OUT…Mat went to take a shower.  Well, Trigger got up and went to the kitchen…the next thing I know Matt is leaning out of the shower and yelling my name. I sit up and Trigger is at the shower door with one of his cups and inside he had TWO EGGS.  I go in the kitchen and the door to the refrigerator was wide open and this what I saw…well, except that two eggs were missing.  By the time I got to snap a picture, Trigger’s two eggs had been put back.  I can’t believe that he didn’t break the eggs when putting them in his cup.

Don’t you love how he ripped into the egg carton.

Sick Boys2 021 Is there anything better than a sleeping baby?

Sick Boys2 033 Trigger loves to help me with Campbell…well, MOST of the time he does…when it’s his idea!

Sick Boys2 025 And a few random pictures from our sick days at home.

Sick Boys2 035 Sick Boys2 047 Sick Boys2 051 Sick Boys2 055 Sick Boys2 059 LOVE this outfit…Mamaw and Papaw's House 018 Me and my precious baby after his four month appointment and shots.

Sick Boys2 071 Whew…that illness about did me in…it took about 12 days for Trigger to get back to normal.  YUCK!!!

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