Tuesday, October 26, 2010

never enough time…

Note: I’m just going to randomly place pictures in this post so that I can attempt to catch BACK UP to today’s pictures!

Mamaw and Papaw's House 037 Mamaw and Papaw's House 038 (Above: Josiah and Trigger playing with Papaw’s hats)

Mamaw and Papaw's House 050 (Trigger, Josiah, and Brannon…all born within 3 months)

I really don’t understand myself.  I do really well blogging and will blog every night and then NOTHING for weeks.  I really like blogging because it’s a great way to document my memories and it’s somewhat of a release to me…sort of like how people journal their feelings.  To me, I would much rather blog (and sometimes I work on these posts all day..a little here..a little there…and sometimes I work on them for days before they are finished) than I would reply to emails or phone calls…if you know me, I am absolutely HORRIBLE at replying to emails and even WORSE at returning phone calls.  The main reason for the phone calls is because it is so hard to find 15 minutes…who am I kidding…it’s hard to find 2 minutes to talk on the phone…I can talk but it’s just usually while chasing Trigger (and usually yelling), carrying Campbell while nursing him, and/or pumping…and I threw in there “AND” because I have yelled at Trigger, fed Campbell, pumped the other side, AND talked on the phone…yep, I am THAT talented!  Haha!  Being real here, I do have time to return phone calls or emails once we get the boys in bed…BUT, I don’t…I always have to pump during that time and I generally like to have at least one conversation a day with my husband…you know, just to keep him in the know about my fun, action packed days of being a stay at home mom…haha! REALLY the conversations are usually me asking him a million questions about his day!  Anyway, I guess I am just saying that I don’t have a great deal of time and I am trying to use that little time the best way I know how for our family!  Soooo…phone calls usually don’t get returned…especially if you call my house BECAUSE I really don’t ever…EVER…EVER…talk on my house phone and I only check our messages about once a week.  The ONLY reason we have a land line is because I need one for if and when my phone dies (which happens EVERY evening around 4:30 or 5) and there is an emergency. 

Mamaw and Campbell Campbell and Momma- Mamaw and Papaw's house

Anyway, let me catch you up.  About three weeks ago, I started to feel sick (the crud…sinus, allergies, cold…whatever you want to call it)…at the same time Campbell was getting the same stuff.  Took him to the doctor, virus!  Then, Trigger came down with it but also had high fever.  Took him to the doctor three times- VIRUS!  He ran fever for days and then developed diarrhea…horrible…just horrible!  Anyway, all three of us were better for about a day.  Campbell woke with fever.  To the doctor but had no symtpoms.  After blood tests, chest xray, urinalysis (with a catheter…TWO different ones), and MORE blood tests (stuck three times) at the hospital, VIRUS!!!  Oh it gets better, I got sick somewhere in there and went to the doctor, Bronchitis!  Then, Trigger woke up this week with a wet cough and it has come and gone AND Campbell has a runny nose that keeps going back and forth between green and clear.  I TRULY think we need a company to come in and sterilize the house!  In three weeks, all three of us have been sick twice!  It’s really down right ridiculous! 

Saturday outside with boys 018 Saturday outside with boys 020 Saturday outside with boys 033 I am currently listening to Trigger coughing on the monitor…UGH!!!!

Saturday outside with boys 063

Saturday outside with boys 088

Check out all that hair below…yes, it needed to be cut.  I took him today.Saturday outside with boys 090 these following pictures are precious to me because these are faces that are so Trigger.

Saturday outside with boys 147 Saturday outside with boys 153 Saturday outside with boys 158 Saturday outside with boys 187 Saturday outside with boys 192 And our precious Campbell.

 Saturday outside with boys 219 Saturday outside with boys 229 And my boys love each other…most of the time.

Saturday outside with boys 249 Saturday outside with boys 259 Saturday outside with boys 261 Saturday outside with boys 273 Saturday outside with boys 285 Campbell went for his 4 month check-up a couple of weeks back.  He weighed 13lbs 8oz. (20th percentile) and 25.75 inches (75th percentile).  Matt is really excited about the length because maybe, just maybe one of our boys will get some height from his side of the family! Campbell got his shots and of course he cried but calmed down quickly when he put his fingers in his mouth!  :)  Campbell also went last week for a check up with Dr. King (pediatric cardiologist).  He said Campbell looked great and that they would see Campbell AND Trigger back for a check up in May!

And, I will stop there…still no where close to caught up but Trigger is coughing UP A STORM and I’m pretty sure I’m about to have to go back there. :( Seriously!  I did NOT want to go to Green Clinic this week…I was JUST there Friday. ARGH!!!

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