Tuesday, June 30, 2009


i'm feeling a little blah today...i'm not sure why but i am! i wish i could get motivated to do something because there is sooo much to be done. and school will be here before we know it...oh no, that makes me feel even more blah because that means no more of my SAHM dream world!
so yesterday i had to go to the dr...had blood drawn and we all know how that goes for me...NOT GOOD! actually, i behaved very well. they are testing me to see what my numbers are for Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome. i have been tested since pregnancy (around december, i believe) and I was still very positive. while i was at the dr, i found out that i also have MTHFR (which stands for something VERY long). basically, its a genetic disorder that causes me to not be able to produce enough folic acid and somehow it also is associated with blood clotting....WHAT? do i really need another blood clotting disease???? I mean how many blood clotting disorders can one person have? anyway, so now i have APS and MTHFR and Hypertension...so, needless to say, I will be a HIGH risk case when we decide to have another baby. the dr also made sure to tell us that we would definitely deliver prematurely again and were lucky to have held off until 34 weeks last time! its just a little aggrevating to me that i have to deal with all these issues. (don't get me wrong...i do know there are alot of people that have way more problems that i do) at one point the dr said we just don't know much about this disorder because it's so new and not researched and we don't know what long term treatments should be. RIGHT NOW the treatment is to take baby asprin UNTIL you have a blood clot, THEN they will put you on real blood thinners....CRAZY to me. i guess im just having a down day...things will get better! im starting my folic acid this afternoon (and apparently LACK of folic acid can mess with your moods...so i'm thinking that after today's dose, i should be on cloud nine...haha) AND, as soon as Trigger gets up from his nap and gives me a hug, i will feel 100 times better. ANNNNDDDD, we are going to super one and while we're out i'm going to get a SWEET TEA from McD's....THAT should definitely put a smile on my face.
in other news, Trigger was 11 months old yesterday!!!!! I can't believe it. He's getting sooo big and sooooooo heavy! He is into everything! He is crawling everywhere and FAST. He has developed a sweet (most of the time) personality. However, he has moments when he gets sooo mad. In fact, if you take something away from him, he will bite whatever is closest to his mouth (my hand, his fingers, etc.) so we are going to have to work on those little rage issues :)...because of course my child has to learn how to "use his words" since I preach it ALL day long at school.
Here is a newborn picture of Trigger and a current picture of him...my, oh my, hasn't he grown!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

We survived!!!!!!

We survived our first family vacation to the beach. As I think I have already said, we stayed at a condo that my dad owns with two other families. It is an AMAZING four bedroom/4.5 bath condo...and we were there by ourselves! Just me, Matt, and Trigger so of course we had plenty of room. Trigger had a rough start to the vacation. We left on Wednesday and Thursday was MISERABLE! At one point I was thinking, "WHAT in the WORLD did we get ourselves into? Why did we think it was good idea to take an 11 month old baby to the beach?" But, I think he just needed to adjust to being in a different place. Friday and Saturday were MUCH better. He even took great naps on those days!!! Great Naps=Happy Baby (and Happy Mommy and Daddy)!!!
Trigger did not like the sand at first. When the sand got on his hand, he would shake it to try to get it off...poor guy! He did get alot better each day. We ended up spended most of our time outside in the lazy river that they have at the condo. It's awesome. They have tubes for you (we brought Trigger a crab tube with a shade cover) and you just float around the river...AWESOME!!!! Trigger is a baby (as we know) and so his attention span isn't so long...he liked the lazy river only for limited amounts of time. This is what our beach schedule looked like:
7:30ish- Wake and get bottle/breakfast
8:00-8:30- Play in condo
8:30-10:00- Trigger's Morning nap/Mommy and Daddy's relax time (on the balcony or watching tv)
10:00-11:00 (that maybe stretching it)- Lazy river/beach
11:00ish- bottle/lunch
11:30-12:30- Play in condo
12:30-2:00- Trigger's Afternoon nap/More relax time for Daddy/Mommy's time to get ready
2:00-5:00- Shopping/piddling around in town
5:30- Supper (we did not get to go out to eat at all...we did pick up food two nights...Trigger can't make it in public at night)
6:00-6:30- Photo session time on the beach
6:45- Trigger's Bathtime
7:15- Trigger's Nighttime bottle/ down for night/ Mommy and Daddy's relax time
So...if you add it up, we were outside for about an hour and a half! That's CRAZY since we were on a BEACH vacation. Needless to say, trips are a little different A.T. (after Trigger)! Haha! However, Matt and I did get alot of relaxing while Trigger napped so that was good!
Here are some more pictures of Trigger on vacation...

In case you haven't noticed in some of the pictures, Trigger will randomly give me kisses. He will NOT give you one when you ask...just when he's feeling like it! haha...my, oh my, this boy already has a mind of HIS OWN...we have a LONG road ahead of us!!!!! Sorry for all the pictures and long post. I hope you have a great week...Please take a minute to pray for my longtime friend Emery (http://www.emandericwilkerson.blogspot.com/). She is being induced in the morning. Pray for Emery and Eric to have a speedy labor and for Baby Hudson. They are going to be awesome parents!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Our Master Bedroom/2nd Day of Vaca


This is our Master Bedroom..not going to say much because I'm ready to talk about our trip!

We survived our second day of vacation and our FIRST day (or really hour) on the beach. I say survived because things haven't been just peachy around here! Trigger fussed and stirred alot last night...strange place, in a pack-n-play, and it was a tad too cold...all things working against us!!!! Sooo...he was cranky first thing this morning. We fed him and put on his swimsuit AND lathered him up with a gallon of sunscreen. AND, we headed down to the beach. If you read my post from yesterday, you already know that Trigger HATES the sand (which is just perfect since my dad now owns this condo ON THE BEACH! haha!!! Anyway, we decided to just put him in a blow-up baby pool on the beach. He loves bathtime so SURELY he would love the baby pool on the beach...ummm....NOPE! I think the water was a little too cold! WHAT kind of child am I raising here? I would say he is a little high maintenance...haha! He gets it honest...from his daddy...haha, just kidding! He finally warmed up to the baby pool for a few minutes but then got fussy because it was his morning naptime. We headed back up to the room after only being out on the beach for MAYBE 45 minutes (glad I spent the time to put the sunscreen on him) and gave Trigger a bath and put him down for a nap. He slept great...an hour and half nap! GREAT!!! Fed him his bottle and lunch. Then we left for the outlet mall and all you know what broke loose! OH MY...he was fine in his stroller as long as we were moving and we were outside. Take the boy inside a store and he was UNHAPPY! Typical man, wouldn't you say? Needless to say, we didn't spend long at the mall. He fell asleep in the car but woke as soon as we got back to the condo! Afternoon nap cut short...do you know what that equals? You guess it...A VERY, VERY cranky afternoon, evening, and night! I was seriously, seriously doubting our choice to bring him on vacation. How are you now you ask? Glad you asked... Trigger is now asleep and I'm laid up on the couch with my computer and ALL is well in my world! Ask me again around 10 when he decides is ready to get up, and the answer maybe a little different! haha! Ok, this has been WAY too much talking...on to the pictures if blogspot will work!
Wait...I forgot to mention that tonight (despite the fussiness) we went back out to the beach to take a few more photos...i have a sickness when it comes to photography...really, i do! BUT, Trigger started tollerating the sand. At first he would touch the sand and then act like a spider was on him. By the end of the photo session, he was trying to pick things up out of the sand...still not too sure about it but definitely progress! AND, he LOVED, LOVED watching the water. We sat him down by the water and he just smiled!!!

BTW, these pictures are NOT a good indication of the way he behaved today!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Beach Vacation- Day 1

WARNING: LONG POST with LOTS of PICTURES :) Leave the page if you don't have time for us..haha!
Our vacation began this morning. We woke Trigger up around 7. Normally he would have long since been up but OF COURSE on the day we wanted him to get up early, he didn't. Anyway, I changed and fed him while Matt packed the car down with ENTIRELY too much stuff! And we were OFF!
This is the view from my seat in the car.

And a FUZZY picture of Trigger before we left.

Trigger did great the first half of the trip. He even took about an hour nap. We stopped for lunch in Hattiesburg...ate at McCalisters! Usually we would grab something fast but we thought it would give Trigger a break from the car. Then, when we were right outside WILMER, Alabama, (which BTW I think that's hilarious that there is a town named WILMER...soooo funny to me...you know, it's the little things that make me laugh!) we stopped at a Dairy Queen...this is how it went down (while driving 35-45 mph)
Matt: There's a Dairy Queen
Garson: Yep...I love dairy queen
Matt: You want something
Garson: I'm full but I sure will take a bite of yours if you get something
Matt (actually the car): SQUEALING tires, wheeling into Dairy Queen's parking lot bc we almost missed the turn (and heaven forbid that we turn around..haha)
So...here are a few from Dairy Queen! I do love that place. Matt got something new and it had brownie batter in it...YUMMY!!!!

We finally arrived at the condo and it's AMAZING! The condo is owned by my dad and two others. This was my first time to see it in person and it's beautiful. If your a friend of Matt's on facebook, he is going to upload a video of some of it tonight so be on the lookout for that!...We went to the grocery store, Trigger had to eat supper, and off to the SAND!
I was so excited...had camera in hand...fully expected Trigger to hate the sand because he isn't real fond of foreign things touching him (ex. at first he didn't like to crawl in grass...doesn't care now though)! AND I WAS RIGHT....HE HATED IT!!!!!!!! He was very concerned about the sand getting on his hands and legs! Here are a few first pictures of Trigger on the beach.

And, last but NOT least, our first family portrait on the beach!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Photo Session

I just got this bubble back from being monogrammed and I LOVE IT! And, the white sandals just completes the sweet little boy look! I won't be able to dress him like this much longer so I am taking COMPLETE advantage of it. However, I did have a lady at the DMV ask me, "How old is she?" and I told her politely that he was a boy. She responded, "Well, he shouldn't be!" Hmmm...some people just don't have a mental filter! He is beautiful...or at least we think so! But, we have people call him a girl ALL the time..even when he has on a navy/green outfit with a frog on the front! I mean would a girl really be wearing an outfit like that? He may look beautiful but he is ALL boy (rough and tough and VERY clumsy)! Here are some pictures from todays photo session.

I think I've already said this lately but I am LOVING being out of school and spending my days with Trigger!!!!! It's awesome!!!!!