Thursday, April 30, 2009


Thursdays have always been one of my favorite days...Why you ask? Because the next day is FRIDAY!!! and we usually go out to eat with my family on Thursday nights (at LOG CABIN...LOVE log cabin...especially their yummy turkey sandwiches dipped in their ranch!!!). Matt and I have only been to ONE (pretty sure only one) Thursday night suppers since Trigger was born. I really, really miss my Thursday nights but now Trigger gets a bottle at 7:30 and down by 7:45. It's pretty miserable if we are any later!! Sooo...maybe someday soon we can return to our Thursday night suppers....for the time being, our (Trigger's) sleep is pretty important! Did you know that they have linked lack of sleep in infancy to ADHD? Oh my...we have to get plenty of sleep. I promised, I am bringing out more NICU pictures.
This is of my hospital room where we LIVED for 19 LONG days. Excuse the mess...this is actually the day I was discharged so we were packing up all of our stuff. The couch that you see in the picture is where Matt slept every night. Liz and I told him for SEVERAL days that the couch HAD to pull out to make it longer...didn't believe us...said it wasn't pulled out!!! He was way more comfortable after HE (haha) made the discovery!

Each baby in the NICU had a sign for their isolette. There was a NICU nurse that liked to make them when a patient was admitted. This is Trigger's sign.

Look at his PRECIOUS leg. Sooo tiny. They finally gave up on keeping his patient band on his leg because they wouldn't stay on.

Let me say that Trigger being in the NICU was VERY hard. It was hard to leave my baby at the hospital when I got discharged. I felt very uninformed about my child's care. I was never worried because I knew that LSUS is THE best care but it was still hard. I had a couple of friends that had had babies that were in the NICU when they were born. Their support and encouragement and advice was priceless. Hopefully, I can help someone else in the same way. There were so many things in pregnancy and delivery that I just didn't know. I would ask Michelle and Susan, "Is my body suppose to do this" or "What are they about to do to me?" Sooo...I am open book...don't ask me about delivery unless you want to know the details because I will give them to you so you won't be surprised! THEN, we had all the uncertainty of the NICU. I gave birth to this precious, tiny baby (at 732pm)...held him long enough to take a picture and then he was wisked away to the NICU and I didn't see him again until 1030-1045pm. VERY HARD!!! Matt of course left after delivery to go to the NICU with Trigger so that someone would be there for him. and I was left with a OLD BITTY of a nurse! Anyway, not sure why I am rambling...I'm going to bed. More tomorrow...hopefully!! TOMORROW"S FRIDAY...YEA!!!!! Hopefully we will get to plant our tomato plants this weekend.

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