Wednesday, April 29, 2009

is frustrated

not really sure why i am feeling frustrated...i just am...think it's a combination of several things! So quick post...we have 19 days left until pre-k graduation...YEA! I'm soooo ready for summer. I am craving TIME with Trigger...full days with him! We are going to have LOTS of playdates with Izzy's pool! And we have several trips planned to go to the condo on the beach!!!! I can't wait to see it.
Not much else is going on...I did hear from Dr. Slusher this afternoon. Trigger is a little anemic so they are putting him on an iron supplement which can apparently stain his teeth...So pray that we can squirt the stuff way back in his throat so that his teeth don't turn colors! May sound a little shallow but he'll have these teeth until he's 5ish!
So...Trigger is officially 9 months old today. He has come SOOO far since birth.
This is the night he was born...weighing 4lbs 5oz and 18 inches

This next picture was taken on day 3 in the NICU. I thought it was a good picture because you can see how tiny his face was with the pacifier in his mouth. It took up his WHOLE face. But, he loved (and still loves) his paci!

And, one more from the NICU. This also shows how tiny his head was against Matt's hand. Liz always said that Trigger's head was the size of a softball...and it was SOOO small.

This is a picture of Trigger in March with his pacifier so that you can compare his face size with the NICU pacifier picture.

AND, this is where we are now (17lbs 13 oz and 28 inches)
Trigger army crawls everywhere. He can crawl on his knees but prefers army crawling on our hardwood floors. He is pulling up on EVERYTHING he can get a grip on. We have to really, really watch him because he's getting into everything. AMAZING because the child has toys gallore but chooses to go towards everything that he's not suppose to...hope this isn't a glimpse of future behavior. HAHA! AND, he has 7 teeth.! Anyway, here is a picture of our big 9 month old boy. This isn't that great of a picture but just shows you what I see ALL the time. I left him in his bedroom with a few toys...closet CLOSED. I come back and he's opened the closet and pulled up on his shelves (this shows him on his knees but he made it to feet of course).

I didn't mean for this to be such a long post but Trigger is still napping and I got a little nostalgic looking back at NICU pictures....Maybe I will post some more NICU/first month pictures in the next few days.

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