Monday, April 6, 2009

First Day Back!

Today was my first day back at school and can I say that I am EXHAUSTED! My children were ALL very well behaved but 5:30 came really early this morning. Now don't get me wrong, I did NOT sleep past 6:00/6:30 my whole spring break because sweet angel does NOT like sleep! :) But, this morning I had to get up and get ready quickly and get Trigger packed to leave for Izzy's house. BTW, Izzy didn't even end up keeping him today because my grandmother got admitted to the hospital this morning and Liz was there with her. I'm telling you, I do NOT know how mommies of 2 or more children work outside the home. BELIEVE me, I know that being a SAHM is not an easy job. But, it's definitely nice NOT to have to get up and get everyone somewhere and ON TIME...which I am NEVER, EVER on time.
I really need to be going to sleep...and I will in just a moment. Matt is back at work. He came home for supper and a little cleaning and a quick kiss from me and Trigger AND back to work. I was sadly disapppointed today because I'm sitting here thinking..."April 15th...April 15th...we can make it...only 10 more days"! I WAS WRONG! Matt told me that they are still very, very busy until May 15th...WHAT? Oh well...I do have to say that Matt has done an excellent job taking time to come home and spend time with me and Trigger!
On another note, I have to say that I really, really, really need to STOP reading blogs. All they do is worry me and make me COMPLETELY sad! I have several blogs that I follow that are awesome people. Really makes me think that I need to become a more positive person (ha...after reading this entry, you are probably agreeing...but it's late, people!) and I really need to look at what God is trying to teach me during difficult and frustrating moments. If you know me, you know that I can get frustrated and aggravated easily which is funny because I am very patient with children! Anyway, so I am really going to work on it!
Enough chit-chat...I am going to try to upload some photos...we'll see...does it take anyone else FOREVER to upload photos to your blog?

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