Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A little of this and a little of that...

I'm guessing that most everyone has given up on checking my blog. SORRY! I guess I'm a horrible blogger. I read several blogs that are updated EVERYDAY...I just don't know how. I get up, get ready, go to school, pick up Trigger, come home, play/chase Trigger, clean and feed and clean and feed, and fall into the bed. I just don't really have the energy at the end of the day to hook up my card reader and download pictures (which takes forever for some reason) and then upload them to my blog. I know that sounds ridiculous but it's the truth! Just to lazy!!! Anyway, I started feeling guilty so here I am. We have been very busy people. Right now is BUSY SEASON for CPAs. Matt is working CRAZY long hours. He usually comes home for supper and to help me clean bottles and dishes (about 1.5 hours) and then heads back to work (usually til midnight). He, of course, has a great attitude about it and doesn't complain...don't know how. I sure would complain!!!! That would be because he is a much more positive person than I am. Anyway, I am on spring break right now.
PAUSE: I am about to HURT my dog...she continuously whines when Matt's not here...VERY annoying!
Liz, Trigger, and I left yesterday to go to Jackson (Really Madison), MS to visit Deanna (my sister). I was a little nervous about how he would ride because that can be a pretty miserable experience sometimes and I didn't know if he would sleep. First let me say that except for one little 20 minute outburst of anger, he had a GREAT car ride on the way there. Sleeping: he slept in the pack in play until 3:30 and woke up and I put him in bed with me...I was impressed! I truly thought he might scream all night. On the way home, he slept for an hour and half of the trip. It was nice to get away for a day. Trigger is getting so funny because he's just like a little person with his own little preferences and opinions. He definitely takes a little bit to warm up to strangers and strange places. When we got to Deanna's house, he had the "deer in the headlights" look for a little bit. You've got to remember that he's been VERY sheltered and hasn't been out very much except to go to Liz's or Matt's parents.
This past Sunday, we had Trigger's baby dedication at church. Trigger did so well...I was so scared that he would start screaming while we were up on the stage but he didn't. Afterwards, we went to Liz and Daddy's to eat lunch with the whole family. I will have to post pictures later. Hopefully, I can get a slideshow together of all recent pictures to post on here. And, Trigger is having Easter pictures made tomorrow with Sherry Owens. I hope she can get some good shots and he will cooperate. AND, I hope the bunny still has ears after Trigger gets done!
Okay...I have GOT to go to bed. My eyes are NOT wanting to stay open any longer.

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