Sunday, March 1, 2009

We've got TALENT!

First let me say that Trigger now weighs 16lbs 13oz. He is definitely a GROWING boy! Trigger loves his bottle...still not so excited about food but that will come. He is sooooo fun right now. Trigger is sitting up and has starting scooting. I am not sure I am ready for him to start crawling but I am sure it's soon. Guess we better start baby proofing the house! Anyway, tonight as Matt and I were eating, we put Trigger in his high chair. I put tons of links, 2 pacifiers, and some other little manipulatives on his tray. We happened to look over and see that our son has TALENT. Check out the picture. We are still not sure how he managed to get the links over the pacifier and then the pacifier into his mouth. I, of course, think it's because he's a GENIUS! :)

By the way, do you think we will ever be able to take away Trigger's pacifier. Look at the picture of him with his two paci's. One to suck and one to hold just in case he needs a replacement. Who can blame him...those pacifiers are tricky. If you drop one, they are GONE! I know we have a pacifier under every piece of furniture. I have been reading that I really shouldn't let him have the green soothie pacifier now that he has teeth (BTW, he has five now). We are really suppose to use the blue pacifier...he hates those...who can blame him. They are like sucking on a ROCK...they are so hard. Anyway, life is good right now except for a few runny noses (mommy's and Trigger's). Hope you had a good weekend!

P.S. I attached a picture of ONE of the reasons that I LOVE my husband. He cleans bottles!!!!

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