Monday, April 27, 2009

we had a bad day...

or really a not so great weekend. Trigger has not been feeling very well. I started noticing his nose was runny last Tuesday. Now, we have developed a cough and had fever last night. He actually sounds ALOT better this morning. But, I'm staying at home with him today since he had fever last night...I FULLY believe in the fever rule (even though he goes to Izzy's and not an official child care center). Our rule at school is that you have to be fever free for 24 hours before coming back to school. If more people would actually follow the rule, we may have alot less illnesses. SO, I am determined to follow the rule. It's not fair to Izzy or Sydney to send him over there...just like it's not fair to me when children come to school sick. I think it's only right to practice what I preach! What do you think?
I'm attaching a picture of THE red blanky. If you are on facebook, you have heard me mention the red blanky. Trigger has become attached to it. Liz and Matt said I have created this attachment...which i have! I had a blanket when I was little...I called it my "B". I actually still have it in a box under my bed. It's in very, very horrible condition. I got the blanket when I was born and it had the alphabet on it. Now, you can't even see the letters and all the batting is gone AND it's in two pieces. My "B" went almost everywhere with me. So, when we were having naptime bootcamp (i.e. leaving him in his crib to cry it out), I decided he need something to comfort him. I gave him this little red blanky that smelled like me! He loves it!!!! He always sleeps with it! And, the other day, I caught him dragging it around while crawling in our den. I hope I haven't created a Linus!

1 comment:

Miss Dance said...

I'm so glad that you follow the "fever free for 24 hours" rule! There should be more moms out there like you. :) Will you still observe the "fever free" rule when Trigger is in my class? You know what they say about children with snotty GREEN noses.